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While Psychonauts 2 brought plenty of closure to the main storyline, there were a few things left hanging when it was all said and done. This included some plot elements that were introduced in the first two games but were not circled back to. It also includes storylines in this game that were introduced that either didn’t have an ending or didn’t provide an explanation.

10 Helmut Fullbear Finding His Body

About halfway through the game, Raz gets to meet Helmut Fullbear, voiced by Jack Black. This is a strange experience, though, because Helmut Fullbear was assumed to be dead. However, before perishing, Helmut saved his own brain from being lost.

After being reunited with his husband Bob and the rest of the Psychonaut Six, a vow is made that Helmut’s body will be found one day and he will be restored to his former self. Unfortunately, we don’t get to see Helmut in his full body in real-life and that plot point is left hanging. However, players can see his regular form in his dream.

9 Frazie Admitting She’s A Psychic

When Raz enters the Questionable Area for the first time, he is being taunted by his sister Frazie. In talking with her more, though, players learn that Frazie also has psychic powers just like Raz and her father.

There are a few conversations that can be had with her throughout the game, including a moment when Raz actually tries to convince her to tell the father the truth about her abilities. This plotline is left hanging as after the end game happens, Frazie just spends the rest of her time talking to Mirtala.

8 The Interns In The Finale

Early on in the game, Raz and the interns work together to infiltrate the hotel room at the casino. It is a fast-paced, fun sequence that gives players a look at all of the individual personalities. At the end of the game, during the fight with Maligula, the interns join Raz in helping him take down this final hurdle.

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While this moment was awesome, it didn’t make a whole lot of sense given the fact that Raz had to be launched by his family to get inside of Lucretia’s mind. The question is how did the interns get in there? If it was Sam’s whale, that was not made entirely clear.

7 Otto’s Mind

A lot of the story of Psychonauts 2 is about not only reuniting the Psychonauts Six but also exploring every last one of them due to many of them dealing with some sort of issue. There is one member’s mind, though, that Raz never has to jump into: Otto Mentallis.

Granted, it makes sense that Raz never has to examine Otto as there is never any conflict that directly revolves around him and his mental state. However, it does leave players to be a bit curious as to what exploring the mind of Otto could be like.

6 What Is Coach Oleander Doing?

Those who remember the events of the first game know that Coach Oleander is responsible for a lot of the chaos that occurred in that game and was demoted for his actions. However, despite everything he did, the Psychonauts have kept him on board as a lesser member and his focus turned to work on a “battle bot” that could take down Maligula.

However, checking in with Oleander has us seeing him talk about and do weird things. After the game’s ending, players can spot him in the halls of the headquarters with a flipper on. No one knows how this will help him.

5 What Came Of The Old Campers?

While there were some plot points introduced in Psychonauts 2 that weren’t completely solved, there are some elements of the first game that didn’t really carry over to the second. One of those elements is the campers from Whispering Rock.

Players got to learn a lot about them over the course of the game, from the shenanigans they participated in to their impact on the actual story. From Dogen to Bobby Zilch, it would’ve been interesting to learn about where some of these campers are now. Unfortunately, there were only a few references to them throughout.

4 What Happened To The Patients At The Asylum?

Another critical location in the original Psychonauts was the Thorney Towers Home for the Disturbed. This mental asylum was home to some of the more unique characters in the game, including four of them whose brains Raz explored.

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So it was surprising to see that not only were the patients at this asylum not in Psychonauts 2, they were barely even mentioned by Raz and their crew. Even Sheegor, after getting a job offer to work with Sasha at his lab, was nowhere to be found in the sequel. This could be seen as a major letdown for many fans of the original game.

3 Gristol Kidnapping Truman

After the game is finished, players will be well educated on the events that have happened that led to Gristol Malik’s kidnapping of Truman Zanotto. It is understood that Malik was looking to gain intel on the whereabouts of Maligula and was hoping to use her to destroy the Psychonauts from within.

That said, what was never entirely clear was how Truman got kidnapped in the first place. How was the head of Psychonauts placed into a vulnerable position? And why were the people of the headquarters so uncooperative about trying to get him back in Rhombus of Ruin?

2 The Lockbox’s Presence

In Rhombus of Ruin, the first sight of Truman was him hanging in the air about to get his brain extracted. Luckily, the team was able to rescue his body, but attached to said body was a strange box wrapped around his wrist. Not much was said about the box in the virtual reality game, nor was there much talked about the box throughout Psychonauts 2 until the very end.

That’s when players learn that Truman’s brain was locked in said box. The confusing thing about this is why wouldn’t anyone acknowledge this box sooner and try to open it? When conducting an investigation, it makes no sense that the box wasn’t a top priority to open from the start when it is not at all hidden.

1 What Will Raz Do Now?

At the tail end of the game, because of the work they did in stopping Maligula, Raz and his fellow interns are given a promotion to junior agents of the Psychonauts. The dream that Raz had of becoming a Psychonaut has come true, but what is next for Raz?

There wasn’t much foreshadowing as to what the next big adventure may be or even what his regular job would be at the facility. It’s easy to say that the goal was reached and the story comes to a close there, but it would’ve been interesting to hear them expound on his responsibilities even subtly.

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