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As is the case with most stories balancing as much as Marvel’s Avengers does, plot holes are bound to arise. Although most of the game’s story components are well thought out and logically intact, there are a few pieces of the puzzle that remain unknown. The several already-announced DLCs for the game might help explain a few, but for now, there’s still a fair amount of mysteries and unsettled plot lines in the Marvel’s Avengers universe.

10 Avengers/S.H.I.E.L.D. Relationship

By the end of the game, the Avengers aren’t the only group back on their feet. Throughout the game, S.H.I.E.L.D. rebuilds as well, continuing on through the “S.H.I.E.L.D. Protocols” mission chain. The only major difference from the way they operated prior to A-Day is that Maria Hill has taken over as director.

What’s slightly unclear about S.H.I.E.L.D. is their exact relationship with the Avengers. Do the Avengers work for S.H.I.E.L.D.? Vice versa? The Avengers run missions at the direction of Maria Hill, but it’s never definitively clarified whether or not they do so as assets or employees. Maybe it’s a relationship similar to the one we saw in the original Avengers MCU film, but we really don’t know. The only reason it even matters is that it could help set up some interesting storylines in future games, depending on if they continue to work together or not.

9 Nick Fury’s Whereabouts

Speaking of S.H.I.E.L.D., what happened to their director? Players are given a very small and short look at Nick Fury during a mission run by Kamala Khan and Bruce Banner in which they retrieve a neural uplink for JARVIS.

After setting off a S.H.I.E.L.D. security system, they hear a brief message from Fury. In it, the only information he gives as to his current whereabouts is that he’s, “gone”. There’s really nothing else we know as to what’s happened to Fury, where he is, and whether or not he’s coming back. It’s unlikely that they would use Nick Fury in such a minor way for this Avengers story, but for all we know we could’ve seen the last of him very early on.

8 AIM’s Future

As things stand, most people in this universe know about the dangerous experiments and operations of AIM. Although they don’t know about what’s happened to the company’s founder, George Tarleton aka MODOK, they saw their robotic soldiers engaged with the National Guard shortly before the final fight with the Avengers.

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There’s a small teaser during the post-credit scene as to what the future of AIM looks like and it seems as though Monica Rappacini is taking them into a fully villainous direction. However, we have no idea as to how AIM will operate in the public eye moving forward and whether or not all their assets will be taken over.

7 Inhumans & Terrigen

The question of AIM’s future also raises consideration for the primary focus of their operations, Inhumans and Terrigen. By the end of the game, AIM was releasing what was known as “Dark Terrigen” on citizens, but we don’t see or hear much about that afterward.

It’s just speculation, but that could lead to a much larger outbreak of Inhumans. Depending on how many are willing to join the cause, it could also lead to a significantly bigger Inhuman resistance, if there even is anything to resist at this point. Lastly, the Avengers are surely going to have to do something about Dark Terrigen and regaining control of the Terrigen crystals before they fall into the wrong hands once again.

6 New Heroes

It’s no secret that DLCs containing new heroes, new missions, and new stories are going to be released periodically over the next few months. So far, Hawkeye, Kate Bishop, and Spider-Man (PS4 only) are the only confirmed heroes set to join this Avengers universe, but the question still remains how and who else.

While it probably won’t be difficult to introduce more and more classic Marvel characters into the playable roster, it’s all a matter of who they choose to include. That still remains one of the biggest questions in the game, and hopefully, it’ll be answered with a solid roster of new heroes beyond the three that have been announced thus far.

5 Captain Marvel

Another hero everyone is probably wondering about, as well, is Captain Marvel. It was made abundantly clear that she existed in this universe, knows the Avengers, and is even the favorite hero of Ms. Marvel. However, she’s never seen or heard of outside a few occasional references.

There was a point in the campaign where it felt like she might make a surprise appearance, but obviously, that’s not how things played out. So, we’re all left questioning when, and if, we’ll see Captain Marvel at any point. It seems as though the ship has sailed for players to see her make an appearance in this game.

4 Hawkeye’s Departure

Similar to the original MCU roster, Hawkeye was clearly a core member of the Avengers. That became clear with the old team photo Kamala stumbled upon as well as the fact he has his own quarters on the Chimera.

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The big questions still lingering, however, is what happened. Why did he leave the Avengers? It was never even remotely mentioned as to why he left, where he went, or what he’s doing. At this point, it feels like his inclusion in the game could answer some of the biggest plotline questions left from the campaign.

3 Hank Pym’s Powers

It feels pretty unlikely that the game’s developers would introduce Hank Pym, aka Ant-Man, without every actually showing him as Ant-Man. There was the one mission in the game where he stole the show to showcase the effectiveness of the Pym Particle, but that was in the form of a weapon he created, and not the actual use of a suit.

Now, they obviously established why Pym can’t be Ant-Man anymore and unless they were to just ditch that reason altogether, he won’t be suiting up anytime soon. That’s not to say that we’re going to get Scott Lang in video game form, but it would help fulfill everyone’s desire to actually see Ant-Man in action alongside the Avengers.

2 Kree Sentry Beacon

The final battle was a cinematic adventure that brilliantly brought this story to a close. However, it did leave us with a fair amount of questions. To start, it has to be addressed that this Kree Sentry that falls under MODOK’s control almost appears out of nowhere. It helped explain some of the events of A-Day, especially as to why Captain America destroyed the Terrigen reactor.

What really comes into question is what occurred during the post-credit scene. The Kree Sentry is seen still laying impaled on the Golden Gate Bridge and as the shot zooms in, we see some object emerge from its chest and lift off into space. What that was will eventually be explained, but by the looks of it, it seemed to be some kind of beacon heading back to the galactic world of the Kree.

1 MODOK’s Death

MODOK’s death doesn’t need much in-depth analysis, he was beaten by an embiggened Kamala Khan after taking control of the sentry. However, the game elected for a villain death that simply sees them fall into some body of water and never be heard from again.

Perhaps they were just trying to leave available the possibility of MODOK returning, but to a certain extent, it just seems like a lazy way to rid of the game’s main villain. Hopefully, at some point, they either confirm MODOK’s death or establish that he survived and will be seen again. For now, it’s hard not to question the choice of leaving his death up to assumption.

NEXT: Marvel’s Avengers: 10 Details About The Main Characters You Didn’t Know