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Hitman 3 builds the tension in almost all storylines until they peak and based on the endings, could mess with the minds of players. Fans are either eagerly waiting for the next game, or they’re in despair with all these questions, there’s no in-between.

Warning! Spoilers ahead!

10 What Actually Happened To Edward?

There are three endings to Hitman 3. Two of those seemingly take the players to the same conclusion, and one is the canon ending. But between the first two, there’s a substantial difference regarding the hypothetical next game. The more obvious endings leave the players either killing Edward or wiping his memory. Both of those options leave Diana in control of Providence, and Edward either dead or neutralized. At the very end of the game, Agent 47 tells Diana that he’s still an assassin, leaving the plot open for further kills.

But which one was the original ending to the game? If there will be a continuation, will Edward take part with his memories wiped? While it’s unlikely because of the overcomplication of the plot, it still is a legitimate question (due to the mysteries around the backstory of Edward), that won’t have an answer until the release of the next game.

9 The Canon Ending

Those who found the secret ending and took the opportunity are desperate for answers as to what this means for the story if it even means anything. What most eager players miss amidst all the action, is that if they hesitate with the decision regarding Edward for a minute, a third secret option will appear. Players can inject themselves, wiping the memory of Agent 47 once again, turning him back into a slave for the organization. Because “Freedom from choice is also freedom”.

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After injecting Agent 47, he awakens in what seems to be a padded room of an insane asylum, and a voice says “Wake up. Wake up, my friend. It’s the dawn of a new day, and you have things to do.” Which is a word-for-word repetition of the very first scene of Hitman: Codename 47. So the question remains: Is this a simple canon ending to tease the minds of fans, or is it a secret ending that could open other doors? Of course, it’s more likely that the next game will follow the first or second ending, as those have more potential for the evolution of the story. But replaying the franchise with open eyes could also be the key to discovering answers to some mysteries, as the solution is always in asking the right questions.

8 Science & Technology

Sometimes it seems the creators of Hitman took on more than they could handle with the introduction of new-age technologies and science. While some can overlook the mystery of these elements, other players would love to gain insight into the scientific world of Hitman, as science and technology play a huge part in the plot. And to understand the workings of experiments, breakthroughs, serums, and cloning, there needs to be a legitimate scientific foundation behind the story.

While some games have the luxury of introducing ridiculous inventions into the game, Hitman has a far too serious and intricate plot to afford to overlook the origin of these new gadgets and science.

7 Cloning Technology

From previous stories, players can put together that Agent 47 is a clone of five different men. But this cloning technology is not mentioned in the games at all, while other new-age technologies are being used daily (like 47’s tech gadgets, serums, chips, etc.). Some fans even went as far as to question the reality of this story, beginning to think that 47 is not actually a clone, and the story can take a 180 twist at any time. Because after all, no one can be trusted.

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Either way, all storylines are beginning to peak with the ending of this last game. Uncovering an entirely new backstory would be amazing, but the discovery of the cloning technology and the lives of other clones would be just as jaw-dropping.

6 What Did Lucas Grey Know?

Of course, the unforeseen tragedy that is the death of Grey hit all fans where it hurt. But this sudden death also left a lot of unanswered questions. Grey, having escaped at a young age, trying to lead a normal life seemed to know a lot of intricate details about the organization that put these agents where they are now. We know from Hitman 2, that the organization that created 47 was funded by Providence, but the logic and motive behind their act is not yet revealed.

While no one is complaining about taking down Edward and the Providence, Grey hinted that he also had evidence about why these experiments took place and what the motivation behind creating cloned agents where. As much as taking down more important people sounds fun, players would also love to take a look behind the curtain and uncover the truth behind Agent 47’s existence.

5 Why Was Diana’s Family Targeted, But Not Diana?

It’s unveiled that Diana’s parents didn’t die in an accident but were actually assassinated by Agent 47 himself. There are two major questions related to that: why exactly did Diana’s family have to die? And after killing her parents and brother, why spare Diana? Did they know the damage Diana could cause, and if so, why let her live?

Is this an overlook, a happy accident, or was there a logical, calculated reason for this? And if so, will that be a main storyline in the future?

4 The Power Of Providence

The entire Hitman series focused on one main antagonist, and standing up to and destroying said antagonist was anticlimactic for some players because of the ease of the mission.

But other than the experience of players, it raises a whole other question. How big and powerful an organization could this be if killing a few leaders can take the entire web of the elite society down? This is an organization with an infinite amount of money, powerful political influences, and an army of operatives. Yet when Agent 47 decided to take them down, he didn’t face much resistance. So is the overly easy ending considered a plot-problem, or is it just happy news for the players?

3 The Antagonists

The ending of Hitman 3 was not only anticlimactic because of the ease with which players could dismantle Providence, but the mystery behind the main antagonists. Almost nothing is unearthed about Janus’s or Edward’s backstories, leaving some fans disappointed. Other than the fact that Janus was a self-made KGB superspy and Edward was his protege, nothing else is told about these two.

Will creators uncover some buried details, or will it be left to the player’s imagination, leading the story in a whole new direction?

2 What Next?

With the main antagonist taken down but the plot still open, players can’t help but ask the question: will a new big antagonist be joining the Hitman universe, or will 47 solely focus on taking down ’the bad guys’ left and right?

The Hitman franchise is standing at a crossroads. If there will be a next game, it could go either way, although fans would more likely buy-in if a new exciting storyline would be introduced with one main antagonist. The question is: who would that be?

1 Change Of Style?

With 47 taking down the organization that owned him, he also took down the facilities that provided all his gadgets and resources. Having said that, the hypothetical next Hitman game would have to change the style of 47’s operations. This can either be great news for the evolution of the franchise, or players’ worst nightmare.

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