However, there were several fantastic matches this year that have flown under the radar. Yes, several great matches that may have been overshadowed by better matches on the same show, or seem to have just been completely missed.

WWE have released their own top 10 list of matches that haven’t gotten the credit they deserve, but we here at Sportskeeda have come up with our own list.

So, without further ado, here’s our list of 10 underrated WWE matches of 2017

#10. Luke Harper vs Randy Orton (Elimination Chamber)

We’re in agreement with the WWE on this match. Luke Harper may be one of the most underrated and underutilised Superstars that the WWE has on its roster, but earlier on in 2017 it looked like the WWE were well on their way to remedying this by seriously pushing Harper in singles competition during the Wyatt Family Randy Orton storyline.

The grudge match between Randy Orton and Luke Harper at Elimination Chamber featured a lot of great moments and was the start of people realising that Harper was a legitimate in-ring talent, with many praising the Superstar despite his losing effort.

#9. Kevin Owens vs Roman Reigns (Royal Rumble)

Kevin Owens and Roman Reigns had a memorable No-Disqualification match at the Royal Rumble that was unfortunately overshadowed by the fact that, later on in the night, Roman Reigns entered at number 30 completely deflating the crowd, and no-selling the brutal effects of his match earlier on in the night.

The match had everything, Chris Jericho suspended above the ring in a Shark Cage, Owens splashing Reigns through a table, Reigns Samoa dropping Owens through a chair, Owens hitting Reigns with brass knuckles. It even had a finish consisting of 2017’s MVP Braun Strowman costing Reigns the match.

#8. Aleister Black vs Hideo Itami (NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn III)

Aleister Black has had many great matches since his arrival to NXT, with the likes of Bobby Fish and Andrade “Cien” Almas, in addition to competing in the widely acclaimed singles match against The Velveteen Dream, and the more recent Fatal Fourway match for the NXT Title #1 Contendership.

However, one of Black’s best matches that no-one seems to talk about too much is this brutal striking affair with Hideo Itami at NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn III where the two men kicked lumps out of each other.

Itami particularly impressed with him looking more like KENTA and less like Itami in this stiff-as-wood contest.

#7. Chad Gable vs Rusev (SmackDown LIVE August 15th)

People were amazed by Gable pulling out the suplexes at the Clash of Champions Fatal Fourway Tag-Team Title match, but obviously didn’t see this superb television match between Rusev and Gable on SmackDown LIVE.

Both men looked great with Gable showing off his patented suplexing ability and withstanding all that Rusev could throw at him whilst Rusev looked incredibly dominant by throwing Gable around.

What really made the match though was how committed either man was to selling the other one’s moves. A forgotten classic!

#6. Bayley vs Charlotte Flair - Raw Women’s Title match (Feb 13th)

Bayley has not had a great end to 2017 but if you cast your mind back to February last year you’ll probably remember this unsung title match that took place on Monday Night RAW between ‘The Huggable One’ and ‘The Queen’

Not only was the match great for the feel good factor of the lovable Bayley winning her first major women’s title on the main roster, but it was also technically a very good match with excellent storytelling elements, also involving Dana Brooke and Sasha Banks.

It’s a shame because Bayley became a top RAW star with that win in the main event, but a year later, and she’s now been demoted, performing in the show ‘Main Event’.

#5. Emma vs Asuka (TLC)

Hear me out here folks. Sure, the match wasn’t what people were expecting with many assuming Asuka would steamroll the underused Emma in a swift match that wouldn’t really entertain or enthral, but simply do a job.

However what we got was Asuka struggling to put Emma away on her debut on the main roster, but still looking fairly in control throughout, as well as a surprisingly plucky performance from a extremely talented Superstar who everyone had written off.

I thoroughly enjoyed it and consider it to be Asuka’s best main roster match to date.

#4. Cedric Alexander vs Noam Dar - I Quit Match (July 11th)

People complain that 205 LIVE isn’t any good and say it’s only just started improving thanks to Enzo Amore bringing out everyone’s characters a bit more, such as Cedric Alexander.

I maintain it’s always been excellent and this match is proof.

It’s also proof that Cedric Alexander has also been a top, top talent in the WWE especially with the ‘have it your way’ line. Plus who doesn’t like how this match ends?

It had some great little touches like Cedric making sure his foot is always on the chair to sell Noam Dar not being able to escape. It’s also important to remember, this wasn’t a PPV match, just a normal 205 LIVE match.

#3. Jack Gallagher vs Neville - Cruiserweight Title (Fastlane)

As further proof that 205 LIVE has always been excellent here’s another match that made it onto WWE’s underrated list and that’s the then ‘Gentleman’ Jack Gallagher vs ‘King of Cruiserweights’ Neville.

Jack Gallagher really stepped up and proved himself as an actual in-ring contender rather than just a personality in this match, with Neville having to hit Gallagher with the exciting Red Arrow to put him away.

#2. The Hardys vs The Bar - Iron Man match (Great Balls of Fire)

I still remember the ending to this match, even if I don’t hear other people talking about it, Jeff Hardy pinning Cesaro with a Twist of Fate only for the time limit of the 30 man Iron Man match to run out, meaning the pinfall didn’t count and The Bar emerged victorious with four falls to the Hardys’ three.

It was also a truly gripping match, with all four men going out of their way to put on a show and the roller coaster order of the pin-falls coming thick and fast showing the WWE Universe that anyone could have won the match.

#1. Seth Rollins vs Finn Balor vs The Miz (Raw May 1st)

This match could have main evented any PPV and I don’t think anyone would have complained about it, with three of Raw’s top Superstars competing to determine the next contender for Dean Ambrose’s Intercontinental Title.

The match itself was great with all three men pulling near-falls and last minute kick-outs out of nowhere, all three men pulling off some ridiculous moves and all three men looking a million dollars.

To make things even better they were all putting themselves through the wringer for the Intercontinental Title belt, which really helped to make the mid-card title feel important.

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