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The seven-year gap between The Last Of Us and The Last Of Us Part II had gamers anxiously waiting for the sequel’s release. But the long wait was needed for Naughty Dog to iron out all the kinks and craft a story that pays homage to the original yet sets forth a different perspective. However, the sequel is not immune to examination. Here are some unanswered questions that need clarification after playing The Last Of Us Part II:

10 What Happened to Tommy?

On the final day of Seattle, Washington, Abby shoots Tommy in the head. Gamers later find out that Tommy survives the incident but with complications. Tommy is now blind in one eye and has difficulty walking. He continues to live in Jackson, Wyoming, but his relationship with Maria has taken a turn for the worst.

Tommy wants to exact revenge on Abby but does not have the physical ability. Tommy’s final appearance in the game ends in an argument with Dina after Ellie declines to not follow up a lead on Abby. Tommy’s faith is unclear because he is broken just like Ellie.

9 Does Ellie Still Have PTSD?

After returning from Seattle, Ellie is in a horrible mental state. On the outside, Ellie could not be in a better position. She lives on a farm with her partner and they are raising a child together. However, Ellie is easily triggered by traumatic events and cannot sleep at night.

Ellie decides that she must confront her fears and goes after Abby in Santa Barbara. It is uncertain is Ellie continues to suffer from Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) at the conclusion of the game. Ellie has experienced many losses and her final meeting with Abby cannot fix everything.

8 Who Are The Rattlers?

Once Abby and Lev arrive in Santa Barbara, they are kidnapped by a group known as the Rattlers. The game does not provide details on the history of the Rattlers, but they are known to enslave outsiders. The Rattlers are also highly equipped with weaponry.

The Rattlers appear towards the end of the game. Naughty Dog chose to focus on Ellie’s mission of finding Abby rather than providing information on the group. Ellie ultimately kills a few of the Rattlers and liberates the prisoners but there is no indication if there are more Rattlers throughout Santa Barbara. There is no doubt that Santa Barbara requires more exploration.

7 Who Is The Seraphites’ Prophet?

There are various mosaics throughout Seattle of the Seraphites’ prophet. The prophet’s teachings became the foundation of the Seraphites’ religion. The Elders of the Seraphites later morphed the prophet’s teaching in various rules, including the refusal to use technology (except guns) and carving the faces of children, which earned the Seraphites the nickname “Scars” by the Washington Liberation Front (WLF).

The prophet’s name is never mentioned. Yara provides a little insight into the prophet, stating that her teachings were twisted by followers after her death. There is a possibility of revisiting Seattle in a third installment or DLC but for now, the prophet remains a mystery.

6 What Happened With WLF’s Invasion?

Seattle is a city controlled by the Seraphites and WLF. The two groups had a truce and peacefully lived within their territories until the WLF killed some Seraphite children. As a result, the two groups have clashed ever since.

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Isaac, the WLF leader, planned an attack to invade Haven, the Seraphites’ city. The attack proved unsuccessful as the Seraphites were prepared. Overall, the WLF lost three battalions, including Isaac’s team, and were forced to retreat. There are no hind as to how many Seraphites were killed or the events after the WLF’s withdrawal, but the WLF certainly has the firepower to launch another invasion.

5 Is Ellie The Only One?

The Last Of Us ends with Joel saving Ellie from the Fireflies, ultimately throwing a wrench in a possible vaccine for the virus. The Last Of Us Part II largely focuses on Ellie’s revenge plot but the sequel occasionally reminds gamers about Ellie’s immunity. Ellie does reveal her immunity to a few characters. Unfortunately, the sequel does not provide any details on anyone, if any, who is immune as well.

Ellie’s immunity might be a factor in a third installment because the sequel reveals the Fireflies are regrouping. The Fireflies might again be working on a vaccine. Perhaps the third installment introduces other immune characters but so far, Ellie is the only known candidate.

4 Where Did Dina & JJ Go?

Ellie and Dina seemed to live a comfortable life after Seattle. Unfortunately, Ellie could not get over Abby and needed to enact her personal justice. Dina begged for Ellie to not go after Abby in Santa Barbara. Dina warned Ellie and gave her an ultimatum. Ellie left regardless.

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Ellie returns to an abandoned farm after Santa Barbara. Dina, as promised, did not stay and wait for Ellie. Dina left no indication as to where she and her baby, JJ, have moved. They may have gone to Jackson or Dina might have found a new settlement without the personal baggage.

3 Why Didn’t Ellie Finish The Job?

Ellie finally gets the opportunity to exact her revenge on Abby for killing Joel. The final fight between Ellie and Abby occurs on the shores of Santa Barbara. Ellie gets in the position of drowning Abby and is almost at the point where Abby is about to lose consciousness. Surprisingly, Ellie releases Abby and allows her and Lev to escape.

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Ellie traveled to Seattle and Santa Barbara to kill Abby. Santa Barbara was the perfect opportunity for Ellie because Abby is depleted, which puts the two in an even playing field. But Ellie’s humanity surfaces in the final moments. Ultimately, Ellie does not complete her mission and leaves Santa Barbara in the same condition she entered; broken and alone.

2 Where Did Abby & Lev Go?

Ellie’s mercy allows Abby and Lev to escape Santa Barbara. The shot of Abby maneuvering the boat and disappearing into the fog gives gamers no indication as to where Abby and Lev are heading. However, the menu screen of The Last Of Us Part II changes to an abandoned boat, similar to the boat used by Abby and Lev, on the shores of an island.

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Perhaps Abby and Lev reached Catalina island and joined the members of the Fireflies. But Abby and Lev have experienced the worst outcomes of groupthink and might have decided to change plans. The third installment might revolve around their next adventure.

1 Is This The End Of Ellie’s Story?

The Last Of Us Part II focuses on Ellie’s miserable journey of having a stable life and instantly losing everything. Although the sequel received its fair share of negative reviews for the death of Joel and forcing gamers to play as his killer, Naughty Dog ended the game with a clear resolution for Ellie’s vengeance. But the ending leaves the door open for another installment into the faith of Ellie.

Ellie walks away from the farm, leaving the guitar gifted to her by Joel. This signifies that Ellie can move on from her past and focus on improvement. Or Naughty Dog can go into a further character study on Abby to change the course of the series.

NEXT: 5 Things We Loved About The Last of Us 2 (& 5 Things We Don’t)