The events shine a new light on some popular characters and opens the door for an interesting future. However, audiences still have plenty of questions regarding the next game and their favorite characters. It would not be Mortal Kombat if characters’ fates were not up in the air and shrouded in mystery.

10 Which Ending Is Canon?

Aftermath has two endings based on the player’s choice before the final battle. Choose Shang Tsung and he beats Liu Kang, takes the crown, and starts conquering all the realm.

If players control Liu Kang and defeat Shang Tsung, the Fire God reigns victorious and resets the timeline. There are currently no hints as to which one is canon. Either one will lead to an interesting sequel.

9 What Changes Does The New Era Bring?

Liu Kang resets the timeline, but in MK 11’s ending he admits that humans will still have free will and he cannot control each individual’s destiny.

It makes one wonder just how different the new era is. Does Liu Kang try to make Shang Tsung and Shao Kahn pillars of virtue in their respective communities? It would be interesting if certain villains were protagonists and vice versa.

8 Does Kronika Come Back In The New Era?

When Fire God Liu Kang destroys the hourglass and ushers in the new timeline, does Kronika come back? Does her godlike existence mean time does not affect her, or is there a new Kronika at the beginning of time Liu Kang must immediately defeat?

Maybe she’ll make a return in the next game in a smaller role, but not as omnipotent.

7 Why Doesn’t Shang Tsung Reset The Timeline

Shang Tsung’s ending implies that he doesn’t reset the timeline, but instead uses the crown’s power to start conquering all the other realms.

Wouldn’t it be more advantageous to start the new era and conquer the realms immediately at the beginning of existence. By the time the realms start interacting with each other, they would already be under Shang Tsung’s rule. Perhaps the sorcerer enjoys the process more than the end goal.

6 Why Do The Cages Have Magical Powers

By all accounts, Johnny and Cassie Cage are two normal human beings whose fighting prowess comes from years of training. However, they both have magical powers, like Johnny Cage’s Shadow Kick.

It is never explained why they are able to utilize these powers, though Jacqui Briggs mentions this in Mortal Kombat 11’s story mode. The extra juice was not enough to defeat Shao Kahn and Sindel in Aftermath, however.

5 Does A New Liu Kang Exist In The New Era

Once the new era reaches a point about twenty years before the first Mortal Kombat, will a new Liu Kang be born and train once again to become the hero of Earthrealm?

If this is the case, will the two be allowed to meet? Given his powers, Liu Kang could prevent his parents from ever meeting if he did not want a new Liu Kang to come into being.

4 Onaga

Onaga the Dragon King is the antagonist of Mortal Kombat: Deception who tricks Shujinko is reawakening him. Does Shujinko not revive him in the new trilogy, or does the changing events make his awakening less of a threat?

The PS2 trilogy is less celebrated than the recent titles, so it is understandable for NetherRealm Studios to shy away from those characters, though the last three titles pack in plenty of Easter Eggs for fans of Deadly Alliance, Deception, and Armageddon.

3 Will The Next Game Be A Prequel?

The last scene of Fire God Liu Kang’s ending in Story Mode sees him approaching the Great Kung Lao and choosing him as Earthrealm’s champion. As cool as it is to see this, it is too early to tell if the next game will take place in this time period.

Seeing the world and characters of Mortal Kombat generations prior to the first game would be an interesting twist, with the roster consisting of everyone’s ancestors.

2 Does Raiden Exist In The New Era?

Since he is a god, Raiden is not born in a traditional sense. At the end of MK 11 he transfers his powers to Liu Kang. Because he gives up his powers, will he regain them again after the timeline is reset?

God do not live by the same of rules, so time resetting might no affect them the same way. If this is the case, it will be sad to see a Mortal Kombat without Raiden.

1 How Much Influence Does Liu Kang Have Over The New Timeline?

As Fire God Liu Kang, how severely can the hero influence the new era? Humans still have free will, but can he change world events or influence people with whispers?

Couldn’t he potentially prevent people from being born by somehow causing their parents to never meet? The rules are somewhat vague, which leaves endless possibilities for a sequel.

Next: 10 References In Mortal Kombat 11 That Only Make Sense If You Played The Originals