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Marvel’s Spider-Man had a lot of DLC to give fans more stories. They are hoping that the same thing happens to its sequel and that any of these questions get answered soon.

10 What Happened Before The Epilogue?

Four weeks pass in between Phin sacrificing herself to save Harlem and an epilogue in which fans got to see Peter’s return to New York and Simon’s arrest. The DLC could revolve around what happened in this time. It is unlikely that there were any other enemies for Miles to fight and that the city truly became safe until Peter showed up.

9 Did Anything Happen To Peter On His Vacation?

At the beginning of the game, Peter tells Miles that he and MJ are going to Europe. After that, Miles does not hear from him much for the rest of the title, only receiving a few phone calls until they reunite with each other. If there is any good reason on why Peter would not check in with Miles more often, it would be that he is also fighting crime. Peter may have been taking care of Europe’s enemies until he was ready to return home.

8 What Is Simon’s Story?

Throughout the series, fans got to learn a lot about the enemies both Miles and Peter fought again. In Marvel’s Spider-Man fans were able to see Martin Li work at F.E.A.S.T. with Aunt May until they learned he was Mister Negative. Players could also understand why Otto became Doc Ock.

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In this game, the writers heavily focused on Miles’ friendship with Phin but did not reveal much about Simon. Though this was probably because Simon was not a likeable character, fans also wonder why he became such a terrible person. It would be interesting to see how he became Roxxon’s leader.

7 What Are The Underground And Roxxon Up To Now?

With the Tinkerer and Simon both being gone, their groups may still be around in the next title. The Underground may want to avenge Phin and continue blaming Miles for ruining their plans while members of Roxxon may try to find Spider-Man and the Prowler. The bosses may have been defeated but the enemies still remain.

6 Who Will The Next Villain Be?

There are many villains from the comics that have not been in either game. However, Spider-Man: Miles Morales did give fans some clues as to who will be the next enemy to face Miles and Peter. Norman Osborn is still around and is determined to release the dangerous and terminally ill Harry. The goblins may be the central focus on the third installment. Lizard may even join them as Dr. Curt Connors appeared in that scene. Though it would be a waste to defeat them in the DLC as opposed to a new game, it would be interesting if they appeared in the DLC too.

5 Does Rio Know That Aaron Is The Prowler?

When Miles told Rio that he is Spider-Man and that Phin was the Tinkerer, fans did not hear him mention his uncle at all. After Jefferson found out what his brother was doing, Rio also stopped speaking to him.

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She may have already known about Aaron being the Prowler but it was never revealed in the story of the game. The Prowler shows up to help Miles and Rio when they evacuate Harlem but Rio never calls him by his name.

4 What Will Happen To The Prowler?

At the end of the game, Aaron decides to go against Simon and Roxxon, testifying against them. In return, Aaron did not receive as much punishment for being the Prowler. However, fans still do not know how long he will be in prison and when they will see him again. Fans are hoping to see him return soon.

3 Where Were The Characters From Marvel’s Spider-Man?

Though we know that she was with Peter, MJ was not in the game. Norman did not appear in this title until the very end but fans believe that he will play an important role in the series going forward. Players learned very little about what the other characters that appeared in Marvel’s Spider-Man are up to and it would be great to see them in DLC.

2 Will Venom Appear?

There were quite a few references in the story that could potentially be hinting at Venom’s appearance in an upcoming game. Some of the best powers Miles gained are called “Venom Skills.” These moves include Venom Punch, Venom Smash, Venom Dash, Venom Jump, Venom Dash Launcher, and Mega Venom Blast. Miles and Phin also had a science project that was on display at a space exhibit. As Venom comes from another planet, this could all be pointing at his arrival in the series. Like Norman and Harry, the symbiote should not be defeated this early but it would be get fans even more excited for the next game if Venom showed up at the very end of the DLC.

1 Where Is The True Tinkerer?

In the comics, the Tinkerer is not the Phin that appeared in the game. He is actually Phineas Mason, an engineer who often joins Spider-Man’s enemies to help defeat him. Whether Phineas is going to appear in this series remains a mystery but it would be quite interesting if he was. Regardless, Phin was a great version of the Tinkerer and has already become a beloved character.

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