With expertise in persuasive writing that sells and potentially being the reason behind sales, having this level of communication skills can be used for a lot more than just the traditional way of writing for the public.

1. Ecommerce Copywriting

Write product descriptions for individual items, category pages giving a general overview of a collection of products, home pages explaining the company and what they do for customers. Any content you can think of under the e-commerce umbrella, you can get paid to write it.

2. Website Copywriting

Have you ever browsed a website and loved the short, witty writing you read on the first page you come across? This is website copywriting, and it’s highly sought after. Write pages about a business or service, write about their brand story, write about their team and where they’re located, write their blogs or news articles, and more.

This job requires having insight into the business you’re writing for, but the result can be incredibly rewarding for both you and the business! Consider doing this service as a package deal to maximize the amount you’re making.

3. Niche Copywriters

You might think that sticking to a niche can be ineffective, but it’s the opposite for niche copywriters! Some copywriters choose to focus on a specific niche, but this can open a lot of doors for companies seeking professionals in their field.

The key here is building a portfolio in that field. If you choose to focus on beauty or the medical field, for example, you can narrow your focus to only pitching to those looking for that kind of writer. With a solid business plan, you can be paid higher for having superior knowledge than the all-rounded copywriter!

4. Writing for Advertisements

Although this is the traditional copywriting route, advertisements won’t be stopping anytime soon. There is a script written by a talented copywriter in every ad you see on television, YouTube, or Twitch. Each catchphrase and piece of audio is pieced and planned with a brief to be executed on the screen.

Advertising has grown from TV into Google Ads or Facebook Ads too, so this gives copywriters a broader scope of jobs! Online advertising ties into digital marketing as well, which can be a great asset to a business wanting to draw more traffic to its website. Want to learn more? Here are the best marketing courses online that you can utilize.

5. SEO Copywriting

How are blogs and articles reached by others? A strategy called SEO is implemented to rank the article higher on Google, and copywriters can specialize in offering this along with their writing skills. SEO takes skill and patience, but the right person can build amazing results.

The copywriter researches the highest-ranking information in the topic they are writing, they research specific keywords people are likely to put into a search engine, they look for high authority websites to link in the article, and overall write deliberately to make the content become recognized. Here’s a quick guide on mastering keywords and SEO on your blog or website.

6. Social Media Copywriting

You wouldn’t think it, but you can get paid to plan and write for a company’s social media. Social media copywriting involves composing content using social media scheduling platforms, creating basic designs for posts, forming a good social media strategy, managing engagement analytics, etc.

Many companies have social media that need to be reworked, and this allows talented writers to branch out into an exciting field. If you’d like to get a head start in terms of planning content for businesses, these are some social media content calendar tools for scheduling posts.

7. Email Copywriting

Every time you receive a promotional email in your inbox, someone has spent a lot of time planning and sending that campaign out. Email copywriting is writing emails for a business to market its products or services, but there’s a lot more to it.

When writing emails, you’ll typically need to learn how to use a CRM —customer relationship management⁠—a platform that holds a collection of clients or email lists that can be easily managed. You’ll need to plan campaigns such as weekly sales, seasonal sales, emails on new products, newsletters, and monitor the analytics of each campaign. Once mastered, email marketing is a heavily sought-after skill. After all, every company needs subscribers.

8. Technical Copywriting

Technical copywriting is another avenue you can explore. This type of writing has an informational tone to content, so your role would be to explain how to do something. Think business brochures, manuals, guides, websites, and most marketing material.

The key difference is that it is more content-heavy than traditional copywriting. You need to simplify a series of information for people to read and understand easily. You might be given an engineering booklet and asked to reword it for a business pamphlet. It takes attention to detail, research skills, and expert communication skills.

9. Radio Copywriting

After hearing your favorite song on the radio, you’ll typically hear a few minutes of commercials before the next song, and this is also carefully written by copywriters. If you’re passionate about the broadcast field but would rather be behind the scenes, this might be a good career choice.

You may be the one who’s writing a marketing script for a radio presenter to speak on-air, such as a service that has paid to be featured on a particular morning show. This script could be as little as 30 seconds in length. If you have the skills to write for the ear, start practicing with a scripting program such as Trelby.

10. PR Copywriting

Copywriting in public relations isn’t something you would think about, but it exists. Companies need to be able to inform the public with important information, so this role holds a lot of responsibility for a writer.

You could be writing press releases for a news company, facts sheets, social media messages, speeches, brochures, reports, or presentations. It involves knowing your audience and competition, so this may be for you if you’re looking for a career that involves being a positive voice for a brand, company, or person.

Broaden Your Writing Career Options

No matter what your writing skills may be, there is always a copywriting career for you to explore and experiment with. Even if you attempt one form of copywriting and aren’t happy with writing in that style, you can always move on to the next.

Finding what you’re most passionate about writing is an exciting journey, and the options in this article will lead you in the right direction.