When getting back with your ex, build a new relationship together. While you need to be aware of what went wrong and communicate clearly about those issues, your past and new relationship are not the same. Get to know each other again and take the relationship slow.

To get your ex to fall for you, get to know them again. Don’t tell them that you want to get back together right away, and instead invite them out for a casual hang out. Wear something that makes you feel confident and remind your ex why they fell for you in the first place.

If you’re ready to date your ex, meet up with them in person. Tell them that you know there were obstacles in your way last time, but that you want to make it work now. If they have any concerns, be ready to talk about them and work out any potential issues.

If you’re unsure about breaking up and want to get back with your ex, remember that there was a reason behind the breakup. Talk to your ex about the problems that led to the breakup and how you can work together to fix them. It’s normal to feel some doubt when ending a relationship, especially if you’re the one that initiated it.

If you’re taking a break from your partner, create rules about what you expect from each other. Agreeing on how much you’ll keep in touch and whether or not you can date other people can make the break go smoother and have a higher chance of getting back together. It’s okay to come out of the break and realize that you’d rather stay apart. It’s important that you figure out what you want and need from the relationship.

If you’re thinking of getting back together with an ex that broke up with you, talk to them about how the breakup made you feel. It’s important to discuss hurt feelings in order to improve your communication moving forward. [8] X Research source If you broke up with your ex and want them back, listen to how they feel and acknowledge how your actions led to the breakup. Be prepared to tell your ex how you’ve changed and what you’ll do better if you get back together.

If you’re in an on-again, off-again relationship and aren’t sure if you should stay broken up, take some time to evaluate your relationship. Ask yourself if your partner makes you feel like a better person, if you’re happy in the relationship, and if you see it progressing. It can be hard, but if you don’t feel satisfied in your relationship and your partner hasn’t changed, it might be time to break up. Meet your partner in-person and respectfully tell them that the relationship is no longer working for you. Be clear about why, but refrain from focusing on your partner’s faults.

While it’s okay for you or your partner to get upset from time to time, angry outbursts about breaking up can be a red flag in a relationship. If you and your partner are constantly fighting like this, address the behavior. Calmly tell them how the arguing makes you feel using “I” statements. Then, set clear expectations and boundaries about the arguing.

While it’s so easy to go back to someone you’re familiar with, that shouldn’t be the only reason you get back with your ex. Consider if they made you feel good and helped you grow into a better person before getting back together. It is definitely scary to be single again after being in a relationship. If you know it’s time to move on but are having a hard time, give yourself the grace to heal. It’s easy to remember the good parts of your ex, but remember that you broke up for a reason. If you’re having trouble staying away from your ex, it might be helpful to cut off all contact with them. This can help you process your emotions and stop you from going back to them.

If you find you and your ex being pulled together, but you just want to keep it friendly, set boundaries with them. Be direct that you want to stay friends, but if anything starts to get romantic, you’ll cut the relationship off.