Some people choose to be a bit more cynical towards the showcase of the immortals, perhaps because they prefer events like Wrestle Kingdom, but either way, die-hard fans will always stick by Mania’s side through thick and thin. Why? Because more often than not, they know what it feels like to be there live.

Thousands of people from around the globe are currently in the final stages of their preparations for travelling to New Orleans and having gone to Orlando last year, we can confirm that you’re going to have one of the best weeks of your life.

With that being said, here are our 10 top tips for your trip to WrestleMania 34.

#1 Trust Your Group

More often than not, people tend to go to Mania with friends that they’ve known for a long time. However, in some cases, you can have fans who didn’t have anyone to go with and therefore decided to partner up with people they’ve met on Facebook or through other social platforms. It sounds weird, but it’s really not.

Either way, you need to trust the people that you’re in a group with whether you’re familiar with them or not. If one of you wants to do something different on any given day then that’s fine, just so long as you don’t get into an argument about it. As long as you keep the good times flowing, as you’re supposed to during Mania week, then it’ll all turn out okay.

#2 Pace The Wrestling

As we all know, independent companies tend to flock towards the host WrestleMania city year after year in order to rake in some of the publicity that WWE brings to town. While we don’t exactly have an issue with that, it is worth noting that you need to be cautious when it comes to how much wrestling you end up viewing throughout the week.

Because let’s face it, you’re there to see the show of shows, and if you’re worn out by the time Sunday rolls around then you may as well not even go at all. Last year we only went to one indie event, which was WCPW, and we were still knackered by the time that Takeover: Orlando took place later that evening.

Be smart with avoiding wrestling fatigue, people.

#3 See The City

There are some people who won’t care about this, but if you end up paying in the thousands for your trip, you want to get your money’s worth. After all, WrestleMania week doubles up as a vacation for a lot of people, and because of that, it’s important to do some non-wrestling activities in order to keep yourself sane.

This time around the host city is New Orleans, and we don’t need to tell you that you won’t have an issue with finding alternative things to do. From Bourbon Street to the French Quarter, NOLA is famous for being one of the most popular American tourist cities out there – and after 12 hours of wrestling, you’re going to need that kind of release.

#4 Budget Your Money

This may sound unusual given how expensive the trip usually winds up being, but sometimes, you don’t actually need to take that much spending money. As long as you’re realistic with how much you want to buy in the Superstore and don’t go completely mad, then you can get away with taking a few hundred dollars less than you were originally planning.

Plus, with NOLA, everything is located quite nearby so you won’t need to spend as much on travel as we did in Orlando. Obviously you’ll need to budget for food and things of that nature, but for the most part, there are a lot of things that you can cut down on so long as you don’t let the atmosphere and adrenaline get the better of you.

Then again, this may be your only chance to go a bit wild for the entire year, so you may choose to completely ignore this entry.

#5 Sleep Patterns

This entry is probably more relatable for fans who are travelling from overseas, but nonetheless, it’s still important. Because of how many activities you’re going to be doing in addition to how much travelling it takes to get to the end destination of New Orleans, maintaining a solid sleeping pattern is absolutely vital.

If you don’t live by this ideology throughout the course of the week then you may as well fly home early, because you’re going to be absolutely spent before you even hit Takeover. Once you arrive on the first day get yourself settled, take in your surroundings, and ensure that you go to sleep relatively early.

Yes, we realise that we sound like your parents right now.

#6 Attend WaleMania

We’ve tried to avoid telling you what events to attend, but when it comes to WaleMania, we just can’t hold our tongue. For those of you who don’t know, this event is essentially what happens when you mix pro wrestlers and fans together in a night of fun, Q&As and live music. Yes, it’s as awesome as it sounds.

You get the chance to see some of your favourite WWE superstars up close and personal, and if you’re lucky, you may even be able to share a drink or two with them. After the Q&A section of the evening is complete you’ll be allowed to mingle for a while before the real party begins, and believe us when we say that it’s certainly worth the admission fee.

#7 Once In A Lifetime Mentality

You could be going to your 10th WrestleMania or your first, but either way, it’s so unbelievably important that you treat it as if you’ll never be going again. While it feels like the whole week can go by in the blink of an eye, you need to take some time to really reflect on everything that you’re doing and everything that’s happening.

You may never get to experience something as unique as Mania ever again, and if you understand that going in, then you’ll find yourself enjoying every aspect of the trip even more. You don’t want to be looking back a few weeks later and wondering whether or not you got the most out of your adventure.

#8 Have A Schedule

This may sound like the complete opposite of ‘fun’, but you really do need to ensure that you’ve got a schedule as you progress throughout the week. Otherwise, you could find yourself losing track of time which may lead to you missing the first half of an event that you’d been planning to go to for months.

Set alarms on your phone, pester your pals to make sure they hurry up, or even just call an audible. Whatever your tactic, make sure you’re able to keep to a schedule because it’s the best way to ensure that you tick all of the boxes that you want to tick during Mania week.

P.S: Again, we understand if this one goes out the window a little bit.

#9 Go To Axxess

Axxess may seem like something WWE just throws into the travel package in order to make the price seem a little bit more logical, but in reality, it’s one of the best experiences you’ll ever have if you’re a wrestling fan. From testing out superstar entrances to meeting the superstars themselves, there’s no shortage of things for you to do once you arrive.

Yes, we know that WrestleCon is also a thing, but for us, it’s not worth the money by comparison. Why? Because you’ll end up spending twice as much as you would at Axxess and while the queues are certainly frustrating at times, you only need to do things that you actively want to do. Trust us, Axxess is well worth four hours of your time.

#10 Enjoy The Spectacle

This ties in quite nicely with the ‘once in a lifetime mentality’ entry, and if you’re heading to NOLA in April, you’ll soon understand why. Once WrestleMania day actually rolls around, you need to sit back and really appreciate everything about it. From the pyrotechnics to the elaborate entrances to the phenomenal displays of athleticism, WrestleMania is a spectacle unlike any other.

That sounds like a cliché but it really is true, and you only need to watch the WWE 24 specials in order to know that. It may feel like more than a wrestling show at times, and that’s because it is. They call it sports entertainment for a reason, and while you may also enjoy the footballs and basketballs of the world, Mania is on a whole new level.

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