While the company already has a plethora of momentum after reuniting The Shield, turning Bruan Strowman heel and making the undercard as tantalizing as ever, it could all be undone if WWE isn’t willing to finish of the year strong. In fact, if WWE isn’t careful with the decisions it makes in the next couple months, all of their hard work will be out the window.

Not only would that ruin what is likely the last chance WWE has to prove that Reigns is a top guy material, it would also be the second failed Shield reunion in WWE history, which is not a good sign of future success In the end, its up to WWE to capitalize on all the success they have been having lately, but how should they go about it?

With that being said and the end of the year approaching closer and closer by the day, here are five title changes and five storyliens that must happen by the end of the year. The reason for this is that these ten things in total will give WWE arguably the best momentum possible heading into WrestleMania season, which would play dividends for the company.

In the end, here are the five storylines and five title changes that must happen before the end of the year. As always let us know your thoughts in the comments below and also be sure to tell if there is anything you think we missed along the way.

Title change: Becky Lynch wins The Women’s title

Let’s be honest here. WWE has absolutely struck gold with Becky Lynch’s heel turn and the best way to capitalize on that is to have her finally win the title from Charlotte. Of course that doesn’t mean it needs to happen right away, or even at Hell in a Cell, but eventually, WWE needs to give Straight fire a run with the title and see what she does with it.

In the end, there is too much momentum to not capitalize on here and WWE would be stupid not to give the belt to Lynch for awhile. At least that way WWE can give her the heel title run she should have had before and also gives her a chance to help establish other talents when the title comes to do so.

Storyline: Rusev Day breaks up

WWE has teased a break up between Rusev and Aiden English before but continues to go back on that idea and keep the pair together. While that is probably good for Rusev, especially since he would flounder in the midcard without his current gimmick. the legitimacy of the team is starting to wain and they would be better off split up.

Maybe not for Aiden English, who now must either try a singles push of his own or team up with someone else as their hype man, but for Rusev, it could be a turning point and a legitimizing moment in his career. A moment that could finally put him back into the title picture without the ridiculous Rusev Day gimmick.

Title change: Randy Orton wins The U.S Title

There’s something different about Randy Orton lately. He seems more dangerous, more cunning and absolutely savage when he is in the ring. While that has always been Orton’s style to an extent, it seems he is playing up his heelish attributives for the crowd now, which has resulted in an almost god like Heel character.

With that being said and Randy Orton’s feud with Jeff Hardy gaining a lot of attention for its brutality, it only makes sense that Shinsuke Nakamura is Orton’s next victim. In fact, Orton and Nakamura seem destined for a rematch after their standoff a couple of months ago and WWE is just waiting for the right time to pull the trigger.

Storyline: Turn Bobby Roode heel

Bobby Roode teamed up with Chad Gable to take on The Ascension and while the two seem like a solid pair that could give McIntyre and Ziggler a run for their money, it seems like WWE has much bigger plans in mind for the two. In fact, WWE apparently wants to split the two up, which would turn Bobby Roode heel for the first time in his career.

While doing this is a very risky move at this point in Roode’s career, especially since Chad Gable is a virtual nobody, it could also be the best move of Roode’s career. Maybe it could even be what catapults him into the title picture eventually and allows him to go back to what made him so popular in NXT.

In the end, its all speculation at this point in time, but imagine what Roode could do as a heel on the main roster. Again, it is not perfect and WWE will have to work very hard to get fans to care about Gable on that kind of level, but if they can, it will no doubt be one of the biggest heel turns of all freaking time!

Title change: Drew McIntyre Wins The Intercontinental title

Speaking of rumors, another rumor is going around that Drew McIntyre will eventually challenge Roman Reigns for The Universal title, which means WWE will have a very important decision to make when that time comes. Of course, there are no current plans to have him take the belt off of Reigns, but what if he could get a consolation prize.

Think of it this way. Seth Rollins loses nothing by going one on one and losing to Drew McIntyre for The Intercontinental title. In fact, defeating Seth Rollins clean would not only be the biggest endorsement of future success that a man could get in WWE, it would also take away the sting of him losing his title match with Reigns.

In the end, at least putting The IC Title on him will take the piss out of a loss to Roman Reigns and even allow him to flourish as a mid-card champion. Of course one day he will need to be moved up if he proves that he is capable of carrying this company as top heel, but this is at least a step in that direction.

Storyline: Roman Reigns versus Bobby Lashley

WWE captured lightning in a bottle with their feud between Roman Reigns and Bobby Lashley earlier this year and they would be stupid not to do it again. Not only would the move give Lashley time to get fed up and turn heel, which seems to be the way they are heading, it also gives Reigns a legitimate opponent to defeat as well.

Of course, some people are going to be upset about Lashley not winning the title from Reigns, especially since that was believed to be the original plan when he came to WWE, but it would be a great feud to end the year with. In fact, if WWE is willing to switch the title, it could be the moment of a lifetime and allow The Shield to focus on their eventual breakup.

Title change: The Shield wins The Tag team titles

Let’s be honest here.

Drew McIntyre and Dolph Ziggler winning The tag team titles on Raw puts them on a collision course with The Shield for the titles later on down the line. Not only wound. that allow for WWE to award The Shield with the third tag team title run of their career it also would elevate the tag team division to new heights.

In the end, it seems impossible for WWE to ignore this golden opportunity, which means fans can probably expect the two teams to feud for the title in the near future. In fact, WWE could probably do the title change at one of the upcoming pay per views and The WWE Universe would probably go nuts over it just because its The Shield!

Storyline: Asuka turns on Naomi

In light of the recent events on Smackdown Live, it seems like WWE is going to pair Naomi up with Asuka to take on The IIconics in tag team action. While WWE would have a lot of options if they go this route, one of the most interesting is if they have Asuka turn on Naomi at some point in time.

Not only would that turn Asuka heel and establish her as a unique threat in the division, it would also be effective due to how over Naomi is with The WWE Universe right now. In fact, it could believably be on the same level of impact of a turn on Becky Lynch and Charlotte Flair, which means that this feud could catapult her to a title shot down the road.

In the end, it would be the perfect way to give Asuka some momentum moving forward after using her sparingly, but WWE needs to start building towards the turn now! Furthermore, they need to build just a little more crowd support for the group, which will make it just that much more devastating when she turns on Naomi.

Title change: Samoa Joe Wins The WWE Title

Rumors have already started circulating that WWE wants Roman Reigns’s title run to last for awhile, which means The Universal title changing hands is out of the question. With that being said, however, and the absolutely astonishing run AJ Styles has had as champion, it makes sense that his run is coming to an end soon.

Whether that happens at Hell in a cell or further down the line remains to be seen, but with how WWE has booked Styles lately in mind, it only makes sense that Styles eventually loses to Samoa Joe. Not only is that evident by the lack of heel characters capable of carrying a title program, but also by how Styles has been champion now.

Everything comes to an end sooner or later and so too will AJ Style’s second WWE title run. Fortunately for Styles, Samoa Joe and WWE however, they have the chance to create a meaningful moment that will help set up the future of the blue brand and propel it to new heights in the process.

Storyline: Roman Reigns versus Dean Ambrose

How long can The Shield go on for?

While fans of the hounds of justice probably want to keep The Shield going to at least WrestleMania 35, one has to wonder what effect that would have on the Raw roster. In fact, with all the other ways The WWE has hurt other superstars to make Reigns look good in comparison, one has to wonder who will even look credible enough for a title shot down the line.

With that being said, this seems to point to WWE breaking up The Shield sooner rather than later and having Ambrose be the one to do it. In the end, its all a matter of whether they can use the moment to gain sympathy for Reigns and cement him as a babyface for years to come, which should be pretty easy to do against a heel Dean Ambrose.

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