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Team Fortress 2 was released with the Orange Box, which included both Half Life 2 and Portal. Even though it has been more than a decade since the game’s release, there is still a modest community of gamers to play with.  Players new to Team Fortress 2 should avoid the following beginner mistakes when jumping into multiplayer.

10 Essential Settings

Before queuing into a match, there are a few settings that new players should adjust. The default settings have a very low base field of view, which will limit the amount of the screen gamers can see. Players should increase the field of view to at least 90, which will increase visual awareness. Automatic reload is another important setting for players that are new to the game, and it is just one less thing gamers need to worry about. Additionally, players should definitely have fast weapon switch activated. The setting allows the character to switch weapons much faster and is crucial in competitive gunfights. TF2 players can also tinker with the character models to find a view that suits their preference.

9 Play With A Squad

While gamers can certainly hop into TF2 and play solo, they will have a much better experience playing with friends. Because of the smaller player base in 2021, it will be a lot easier to find a match as a team instead of solo queuing. Additionally, coordinating with teammates over chat is far easier than trying to decipher messages and voice commands in-game. Playing with a team will make the process of learning the game easier and more fun. TF2 gamers that do not have friends should try to team up with players in matchmaking. There are hundreds of TF2 players that would not mind joining up, and gamers will probably learn a thing or two from more veteran players.

8 Find The Right Class

Team Fortress was one of the first games to combine player abilities with classic first-person shooter mechanics. It seems like every year a new fps game is released that mimics Valve’s original concept. Each character suits a particular gameplay style, and players need to find which one is the best for them. For example, aggressive players will prefer the soldier over the medic. Every new player should try using each character, and gamers might be surprised by which class works best for them.

7 Audio Cues

Valve did an excellent job with the audio design of Team Fortress 2, and it is one of the reasons for the game’s continued success. New players should get a set of gaming headphones and listen carefully for enemy movements. While developing audiovisual awareness does not happen overnight, audio recognition is a huge aspect of TF2 gameplay. New players often do not use audio to their advantage.

6 Damage Numbers And Health Bar

New Players should always have damage numbers on. Damage numbers clearly display the damage dealt by each shot fired. By enabling damage numbers, gamers will have a better idea of how weak each enemy is. If a player has taken about 100 damage, it is probably a good idea to chase down the opponent. Following the same logic, enemies with over 100 hp are probably not smart targets to chase.

5 Understand The Economy

Trading and the economy can be extremely confusing. Beginners often do not understand the value of items and make foolish trades. New players should try to keep their unusual unless they do a little bit of research beforehand. New TF2 players should read up on how the economy works before making classic trading mistakes.

4 Shooting Through Windows

Every new player will be surprised to learn that bullets will not travel through windows or glass. It seems counterintuitive, but for some reason, Valve decided to block gunfire traveling through windows, glass, and some doors. Beginners should never waste their ammo by shooting into a window.

3 Crouching While Rocket Jumping

Another thing new players should learn is effective rocket jumping. Players that enjoy using soldier should be using crouch to perform a better jump while using the rocket. There is a wealth of information on how to rocket jump appropriately, and players should practice the method to improve with soldiers.

2 Trying to Sap While Invisible

New players will almost certainly make this mistake. Spies will not be able to sap or attack while invisible. Unfortunately, most players have to learn from experience. As with any new game, there are hundreds of small details that beginners need to pick up on before they become quality players.

1 Attempting To Climb Ladders

Many Team Fortress veterans have made the mistake of trying to climb an object that should be interactive, but isn’t. Gamers need to remember that TFT was released almost fourteen years ago, and Valve wanted to encourage movement in the gameplay. The ladders in TF2 look like they are playable objects, but they are merely props.

NEXT: Team Fortress 2: 10 Weapons That You Should Own