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For those who have been playing the multiplayer, have you sussed all the little details and tricks that are possible within the game? What about a few obvious things that Modern Warfare doesn’t tell you?

10 Extra Points

To gain points in multiplayer, you have to kill your opponents, sounds easy. Whatever you do in the game will earn you points, from shooting, gaining a headshot, a gunship kill, a claymore, absolutely anything that involves causing harm to the enemy.

These points will all be different amounts, depending on your performance, such as saving a player from dying by killing his shooter will earn you extra points. However, if you really want to gain some extra points callously, you can by shooting the birds on the maps, as each bird killed will award you with 10 points.

9 Ammo Caliber


Weapons are more or less utterly customizable in Modern Warfare, so this also means that different guns can take different calibers of ammo. These changes can alter the gun massively, and also how you play.

One example is the MP5 that commonly uses 10mm rounds; this can be changed into more powerful 10mm rounds but with a slower rate of fire. Or what about the .357 Handgun can be more or less changed into a shotgun using Buckshot filled shells, so close range damage is increased, but over distance, it won’t do a thing.

8 Bring A Knife To A Gunfight

Sometimes it’s best not to have a second weapon equipped at all, well expect from the combat knife. As your primary weapon, is no doubt very heavy, which slows the speed of walking and running, but it gets you a lot of kills, which is the trade-off.

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However, when the knife is equipped, you move a hell of a lot faster, which in turn, you’ll be able to get to places quicker than by equipping your primary weapon. This feature is a lot like Counter Strike’s knife feature; however, in that game, you can hold a primary gun, a pistol, and a knife.

7 Riot Shield Can Stop Missiles

The Riot Shield is meant to protect the user from oncoming bullets when charging forward or to protect those behind you, but it has no other feature apart from defense, well apart from hitting people with it. Sadly, if you get attacked from behind, the user of said riot shield is going to die.

However, in multiplayer, the Riot shield can protect you from the bullets of the gunship killstreak but also the missiles it fires as well, which is insane. You do have to be looking at the gunship, which in a gunfight you shouldn’t really do, but it’s an awesome thing to know.

6 Door Knifes

Throwing knives are pretty handy for stealth kills, however, aiming them and hitting the mark is a different matter altogether, but what if there was a way to kill with a stationary knife after it’s left your hand?

Well, there is, but it’s very situational. By throwing a knife at a wooden door at a certain height, if a person runs into the door to open it, it can kill them, and of course, as it’s your knife, you get the kill. It’s incredibly situational, and to get the aim perfect, it’ll take time to learn but utterly hilarious if it works. A fantastic tip, thanks to ItsNick.

5 Selecting Your Killstreak

There is a way to select what killstreak that you want to use first, they do not have to in the order that you have chosen them in. If you hold the call-in button, which, if using a controller, is right on the d-pad, you can select which one to use first, such as a UAV, then your other more combat orientated ones.

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However, this needs to be done behind over, as it takes time to select which one you want to use. A lot of people wish flicking between killstreaks was a lot more streamlined than this, but this is good enough at the moment, at least it’s possible to do so.

4 Keep An Eye Out For Different Openings

Certain areas in maps are where all of the action is, and of course, campers are a massive issue on these maps as they can cover a door and sit and wait until someone comes through. However, sometimes there are ways that the campers inside can die before you enter, to move on through.

On one of the maps, in particular, is Gunrunner, a lot of action takes place in the shower area (oh my), so it’s a haven for campers. Before you enter from the outside, there is a fan on the wall beside the door, and this fan can be destroyed, therefore creating an opening that grenades can be thrown through to kill those retched campers. Thanks to Whosimmortal for this tip!

3 Takedowns

This was a thing you could do in the Battlefield games, sneak up behind an opponent and perform an instant kill while ripping off their dog tags. Halo Reach onwards had takedowns when assassinating from behind, and you could even change the animation if you’ve unlocked different ones in the later Halo’s.

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Now Modern Warfarehas it, which isn’t a bad thing, as it’s a very cool risk-reward move. The reward is that it’s an instant kill if you manage to pull it off; the risk is that the person being executed can be saved if the executioner dies during the animation.

2 Previewing Attachments

Attachments for guns are kept behind a classified level wall, so to unlock the level 41 attachment, you have to get to level 41, which is a lot of hard work if you like using different weapons. However, there is a workaround, by going into a private or even a local match (thanks to Lucent Rathalos comment for this tip), everything is unlocked, apart from skins.

So you can preview all guns and attachments and see if a weapon you like is worth leveling it up, or if it’s worth ditching for something better, down the road.

1 Claymore + Drone = Overpowered

You can put a claymore onto a drone, so instead of it only being used for surveillance purposes as intended. It can now be used as a floating machine of death, and what’s best of all is that the drone does not explode as it should. It’ll be heavily damaged, though.

This combo is pretty overpowered, especially in game modes where respawning is disabled, such as Search and Destroy. It is also possible for CV to be used, however, unlike claymores, CV has to be activated to blow up, so this requires communication with your team and that teammate who owns the C not die before exploding it. Shoutout to Speros for this last tip!

NEXT: Modern Warfare: Every Shotgun & Sniper Rifle, Ranked | Game Rant