Read on to know some of the best tips to make your Pinterest board more appealing to the audience.

1. Create Boards Properly

While creating a board, you need to ensure that it’s well-curated. After creating a board, correctly categorize it so that you can save only the relevant content.

You don’t need multiple boards for similar themes on the same pin. For example: you don’t need to create three boards like photography, summer photography, and spring photography, when one board can serve the purpose.

Each board you create on Pinterest should also have a visually attractive cover photo that reflects the subject of the board.

2. Optimize the Board

After creating a board, you have to optimize it with the necessary technical elements. Choose a name for the board that best describes its purpose. Be intentional so that people know what to expect from your board.

If you want your board to reach as many people as possible, add keywords or keyphrases in the board description section. This increases your chance of capturing the top spot of the Pinterest search engine.

Deleting a board means you’ll lose all the followers who used to follow that board. Therefore, archive a board if you don’t want your audience to see it. And remember: you can’t pin any content on a board with archived status.

3. Pin Only Fresh Content

If you want to get more people interested in your pins, pinning fresh content is a good idea. Every new image or video offers a novel experience or perspective, which will add further value to your audience.

Using the same image with a modified description, or repinning a photo by making minor edits, is not a good idea. But you can use a different image that links to the same URL, and Pinterest will still consider your pin fresh.

4. Avoid Duplicate Pins

Sharing duplicate pins will likely impact the performance of your profile, and it’s a good idea to avoid having these on your profile.

Whenever you want to share something, create a new image. And when sharing other people’s pins, make sure you limit the number of times you do this each day.

5. Place an Emphasis on Your Images

Images are the lifeline of Pinterest boards because it’s the first thing someone will see. If you want to have more people see your pins, you need to focus on creating visually-appealing content. Moreover, the pin image should explicitly explain the message you want to convey.

While creating images, you need to have white space around them. This will help you include the necessary elements and text overlays, minus the clutter. It’s also worth avoiding stock images; if you’re a photographer, this is the perfect opportunity to dust off your camera and take some original shots.

You can also give each of your pins their own identity, which will help to stop your audience from getting bored.

6. Amplify Your Pins with Keywords and Hashtags

Adding hashtags and relevant keywords will, like on other social media platforms, help you reach a bigger audience.

One clever way to grow your reach is by adding trending hashtags to your pins. Then, hoever searching with that hashtag will have a chance to see your pin. Adding two to three hashtags on each pin description is sufficient.

You can also add keywords that describe your pin. If you pin an image of a dress, for example, you can add keywords like evening gown, partywear, and so on.

7. Write Your Pin Description Proficiently

Your pin’s description will play a crucial role in attracting the right audience. When adding a description, write tightly—but make sure you add as much information as possible. You’re aiming to deliver a quick and easy informational bite.

Pinterest lets you add up to 100 characters in the pin title, and a maximum of 500 characters in its description. However, your followers will see the first 60 characters in their feeds. So, you need to include the most crucial information at the beginning.

8. Avoid Excessive Self-Promotion

Pinterest followers aren’t interested in just your content; they also want to see what others in your field are doing. So, excessively promoting yourself will likely put them off.

There isn’t a hard-and-fast rule about how much content from others you should share. But one idea for starting might be to pin five images per day, with at least three of them being from other users.

On that note: Try to be active on Pinterest every day if you can. Spread your pins throughout the day, too, so you can reach more users.

9. Focus on Self-Made Content

Pinterest gets several new pins each day, and posting the same things as everyone else won’t get you recognized. While you can look at a popular post for inspiration, you shouldn’t see it as something to copy without any fusion of your own.

If you create fresh and new content consistently, you’ll stay relevant and current on the platform. It’ll also increase your monthly unique views, which—over the long run—will attract more eyeballs to your boards.

10. Always Pin to the Most Relevant Board First

When someone visits a board named healthy breakfast, they expect to see some pins containing suggestions for breakfast ideas; not dinner items. While pinning images to the board, make sure you pin them to the most relevant board first.

If you have the habit of pinning an image to every possible board, it’s best to avoid this. After pinning to the most related board, you can pin the post to 10 more boards.

Offer Something Extraordinary to Your Pinterest Followers

Pinterest is a great platform for sharing your work and finding a community of like-minded people. You’ll find several customization features, each designed to help you stand out and attract new followers.

Having read these tips, you should have a good idea about how to make your pins look more interesting and unique. So, why not get started and have some fun?