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Monster Hunter Rise features many of the same ideas as previous titles. It brings the ideas of crafting from monster parts, upgrading with armor spheres, and more back into the spotlight. But how does Monster Hunter Rise use these features to empower the player, and how can the player use these features to make themselves the best monster hunter they can be?

Updated February 24th, 2022 by Russ Boswell: Monster Hunter Rise continues to draw in players thanks to its release on PC and the steady amount of crossover events that developers keep infusing into the base game. With a new expansion, Sunbreak, on its way, some Hunters are jumping back into the fray to increase their power as much as possible. To showcase even more tips and tricks concerning making an overpowered character, the following list has been updated to include even more entries. These general rules can help new and returning players unlock their true potential as a hunter in Monster Hunter Rise.

13 Complete Side Quests

Side quests or optional quests are Monster Hunter Rise’s version of the bounty from Monster Hunter: World. They take things that the player will be doing anyway and turn them into rewards. These prizes include armor spheres, among other things, and will greatly assist the player in making their character as powerful as possible.

After all, what’s the use in a shiny new set of armor if the player can’t upgrade it to be the best it can be? If players complete these side quests, they’ll be rolling in armor spheres before getting to the really difficult fights.

12 Research Everything, And Do It Often

From combos to the best armor set to the best elemental weapons, it is always best for players to do the most research in the squad going into a hunt. Elements, in particular, are very different from previous iterations of Monster Hunter. It’s ideal for players to know the details of the monster before going into a fight.

A few great things to research include the ideal elemental damage type for every monster, the best armor sets for each weapon type, and the ideal areas to aim for on every monster.

11 Always Check Hunter Notes

One of the most important things for any Hunter making their way through Monster Hunter Rise is the Hunter Notes. The game can be pretty unforgiving to those that are just starting out as each new monster provides its own unique attack patterns, abilities, and weaknesses. Thankfully, Monster Hunter Rise tries to ease players into the action by giving them easier fights at the start before ramping up the difficulty with harder variants of the monsters they’ve faced.

The Hunter Notes will often update with a wide array of information including monster weaknesses, weak points, and other pertinent information that can help players switch and swap their gear to inflict the most damage against whatever they’re facing. It’s always vitally important to be checking the Hunter Notes as players progress further and further.

10 Gather Every Possible Resource

The best way for any player in any Monster Hunter game to make sure that they are rolling in resources for upgrades, potions, and buffs, is to gather everything that enters their field of vision. For example, ores such as Icium should always be picked up. Having stockpiles of resources is excellent for anyone, especially for new players who don’t have the experience to know what is valuable and what isn’t.

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That being said, certain resources aren’t as useful for melee weapon-users, such as ingredients for ammo. However, if players ever want to make the switch to ranged, their DPS will thank them for the extra ammo.

9 Food Is A Hunter’s Best Resource

Food is one of the most important aspects of Monster Hunter Rise. At the start, food doesn’t seem to be a very “useful” mechanic as players will go up against fairly simple marks. Food in the earlier levels can offer hunters some nominal effects but the further they progress into the game the more options they’ll unlock. In fact, some options are hidden via sidequests, and some of the unlockable effects can make a particular hunt much easier.

Hunters that want to be truly overpowered will learn to mix and match different Dango pieces in order to obtain boosts that super-power the builds they’re using or help them resist certain attacks.

8 Mix And Match Armor Sets For Maximum Defense

Armor sets in Monster Hunter Rise may seem simple, but just because the armor is in sets doesn’t mean that the player needs to wear them all at once. Often, the best idea for any particular armor set is to mix and match between different types to maximize stats. Doing so is the best way for new players to quickly reach high rank.

Armor in Monster Hunter Rise is important, but the set bonuses often aren’t much. This allows skilled players to maximize defense and DPS easily.

7 Pick Armor Sets Based On Weapons

The best armor sets often vary wildly based on the weapon the player is using. One of the great joys of the Monster Hunter series is the theory that goes into any individual build. Armor is incredibly helpful for any new hunter, and it grows more and more useful as players get more experienced with the game.

Players should maximize damage and defense, but they should also not forget the bonuses that come from maximizing certain skills. These skills range from healing over time to extra damage, and they’re all helpful.

6 Upgrade Weaponry Often

Players familiar with previous Monster Hunter titles will know there are two important factors that go into any particular weapon: its raw and its elemental damage. Players should constantly be seeking the next upgrade to their weapon, even if that means repeating monster fights often.

This also helps new players get skilled at individual fights. The goals provided by new weaponry will boost any new player’s motivation to get through this huge game and its piles of content.

5 Don’t Waste Armor Spheres

Armor spheres may not seem like a hugely important resource. If players begin amassing them at the beginning of the game, they may have enough to last them for their entire Monster Hunter Rise journey. However, if used improperly, a shortage of armor spheres can become a huge problem.

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Experienced hunters can imagine grinding a particular monster for hours to get new armor – and when they finish, realizing they don’t have the resources to upgrade it. It’s safe to say, the best strategy is to use them sparingly.

4 Learn Combos To Master A Weapon Of Choice

Combos are a vital part of any Monster Hunter game, and Rise is no different. Especially with the addition of new airborne combos for nearly every weapon, it has become so much more important to take advantage of the wealth of available knowledge that the community has put out.

Most weapons don’t have complicated situational combos. Rather, they have a few general combos and a few situational ones. Learn the fundamentals and apply them to become truly powerful with nearly any weapon in Monster Hunter Rise.

3 Dedicate To A Weapon

In order to truly master any weapon and invest in it enough to be powerful in Monster Hunter Rise, all players should pick a weapon and stick to it. It may seem that all weapons are situational; however, it is more likely that the weapon players aren’t using in a particular situation has a counter to its problem. Learn those counters, and use them.

That being said, it’s safe to say that new players should avoid the greatsword and consider the sword and shield or longsword if they want more range. With enough practice, though, anything is possible.

2 Learn The Ins And Outs Of Wirebugs

Wirebugs are one of the unique mechanics players can use in Monster Hunter Rise. At first glance, the firefly-like entities seem like nothing more than an additional way for players to traverse maps but they’re actually far more useful than that. Wirebugs are used in a wide variety of situations and can even help players deal additional damage to a monster depending on the moves they use.

The most important aspect of Wirebugs are their dodge capabilities. Players that get used to how Wirebugs function can easily dodge monster attacks or close the gaps between them and a mark quickly, keeping their DPS up. Wirebugs can even be used to launch aerial attacks, allowing players to target monsters with heavy swings from far away before continuing their combos.

1 Know The Monster’s Weakness

Once players begin to get into the tougher hunts that Monster Hunter Rise has to offer, it will become increasingly important to know where to strike with what weapon and when. For instance, the hammer is more effective against the heads of certain monsters, and certain elements do more or less damage against certain parts. It all depends on the specific monster and the weapon involved.

Knowledge is power in Monster Hunter Rise. Aspiring hunters should apply the knowledge they receive to make any hunt a satisfying experience.

NEXT: The 8 Best Armor Sets In Monster Hunter Rise