The traces of the now defunct developer became Dambuster Studios, and they apparently are working on a long-awaited project in the dormant series. To remind everyone of all the good times had with the first three games and get people excited for a new entry, the following list will present ten hilarious TimeSplitters memes. Some of these are about content within the games, while others are more concerned with the culture surrounding early Aughts first-person shooters.

10 Shots Fired!

The time traveling romp is brimming with so many ideas, it is no wonder future shooters eventually took some inspiration from it. It is only unfortunate when the one who copied is one of the most successful properties in years while TimeSplitters never hit the mainstream in a way it deserved. Hopefully this meme reaches the right people so the series can earn its due respect. A TimeSplitters battle royale wouldn’t be the worst idea in the world, either. They’d just have to make the maps super small to recreate the haphazard feeling of playing the old games split-screen with bots.

9 Sadly, They Do

Tragically, not even the power of a Sean Bean Lord of the Rings meme can save TimeSplitters from obscurity. A fourth entry was in the planning stages before the developer axed it after failing to find a publisher. The reason for its failure was the large cast of characters lacking focus on one central figure. It is a bizarre reason, considering Sgt. Cortez was the main character of Future Perfect and was a lovable buffoon.

8 Where Else Can You Do That?

The variety of characters in each game’s roster cannot be understated. Because of its time travel theme and zany atmosphere, people play as anything from futuristic cyborgs and old time Chicago gangsters to anthropomorphic ducks.

The latter is an especially ridiculous sight to behold, and even more inane when it is running at the player with a machine gun. For all the goodness contained within a single Call of Duty game, not one of them within the annual franchise allows the player to rain hell on opponents as a bird.

7 It Will Be Soon

Sgt. Cortez has been anxiously awaiting the opportunity to deliver his catchphrase in a future game. When the day comes, it’ll probably land just as flatly as it did all the other times in TimeSplitters 3: Future Perfect. Still, one has to admire his dedication to getting the phrase to catch on. If fans do hear those words once again, it’ll be a glorious day, and every player will shout the endearingly terrible line from rooftops around the world.

6 TimeSplitters And Chill

Everyone knows what “TimeSplitters and chill” really means, but the best laid plans always go awry. The hectic FPS franchise is so entertaining, the two people will spend the night going through each game’s co-op campaign and then waste the remaining time blasting each other in the competitive suite.

With the variety of customizable options available, the possibilities for multiplayer mayhem are endless. No chilling, but all parties will be too engrossed in the action to care.

5 The Tears Won’t Stop

As everyone knows, TimeSplitters Rewind is a fan project aimed at recreating the series from the ground up. The game has been in the works for years now, but no actual release is in sight. It would be nice to get it sometime soon as a holdover until the next game, but the typical progress of fan-made games makes us think TimeSplitters 6 will be out before Rewind is in people’s hands. Still, the dedication and care going into the project shows just how special the series is to so many.

4 Been The Story Since 2005

TimeSplitters 4 has been a dream in fans’ eyes for fifteen years now. At least Future Perfect is a timeless classic that has aged like fine wine. Still, people want a follow-up and the third entry was more than worthy of getting a sequel. Murmurs and hope have popped up in the past, but nothing ever comes of it. The talk happening now seems more promising than before, though, making TimeSplitters 4 a more believable reality.

3 We Would Watch It

Future Perfect’s story is ripe for a miniseries with its unique brand of humor and time-bending plot. With video games and fantasy novels getting adapted left and right these days, it is not a big stretch to see a TimeSplitters movie or show. This meme implies a sitcom, which we’d be totally down for. Even a classic three-camera style would be fitting. Imagine Cortez living at home and each week he would be visited by some character of the far past or distant future. We smell a hit.

2 The Likeness Is Uncanny

Pitch Black lives on as a cult classic in much the same way TimeSplitters does. What’s more, Sgt. Cortez bears a striking resemblance to Vin Diesel. The actor loves games, so it is not a stretch to see the Fast and Furious star play in a live-action adaptation of the science-fiction comedy. Before any talk of a movie or television series, however, fans just want a tried and true sequel to the 2005 masterpiece. Once that day comes, then we can get the ball rolling on adaptations.

1 There Was Always One

Everybody knew one friend who took full advantage of the friendly fire feature to torment their teammates to no end. Sometimes, we were said friend. After all, what was the point of friendly fire if not to cause stress and mayhem. Every team needs a wildcard, and a little fratricide always spices up a match. Of course, there’s nothing stopping the teammate from taking their grievances out on the player in real life.

Next: Ranking The Ten Best First-Person Shooters Of All Time