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For those who are fans of sci-fi games and want their own spaceships to be in charge of, or if they are just interested in playing a new game, here are some things to know before starting Mass Effect.

10 Play Like Every Choice Matters

In Mass Effect, there are lots of choices to make. Some will give Commander Shepard Paragon points, saying that they did something morally good; conversely, others will result in Renegade points, stating a choice was morally bad. Certain choices will be obviously important to the story, while others might seem trivial and just for EXP.

The best thing to do is always make choices like they will come up again later in the game. Whether players actually see the results of a choice doesn’t always happen or matter. What is important is that, by each game’s end, players need every morality point that they can get if they want certain endings.

9 Don’t Move Consoles

One of the cool things about Mass Effect is that, with the exception of Mass Effect: Andromeda, players can import their saves to the next entry in the series. Not only does this make it interesting to see which choices in earlier games affect the story in later entries, but it can also give players a boost on their Paragon or Renegade scores since those actions roll over as well.

If players want to see these changes in their playthroughs, they should make sure that they play every game in the series on the same console. Some have tried to make methods where game saves can be transferred across platforms, but they don’t always work, so one console is the best bet.

8 Shepard’s Abilities Are Up To Players

When starting this series, players get to choose their own style of play that will affect which abilities Shepard has throughout the games. These abilities are up to the player’s own preferences, but they should be considered before jumping into the campaign too quickly.

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The main things players should consider are what kind of weapons and armor they want to use. Certain classes in Mass Effect can only use certain weapons and levels of armor, but these restrictions aren’t usually so bad since certain powers can make up for them. Mass Effect: Andromeda is slightly different in some ways due to its profile system, but the classes from the main trilogy are more consistent.

7 Squad Picks Up Slack

As players progress through the Mass Effect games, different squadmates come and go. One good thing to know is that each crew member that’s recruited has specific skills. That’s why even the choice of who to bring on a mission can appeal to whatever class a player chooses for Shepard.

Maybe some users want to pick squad members that have abilities that will balance out the team based on whatever powers Shepard does and doesn’t have. Maybe others will want to choose to bring squadmates that have similar powers to Shepard’s so their class is even more powerful. Whatever way someone plays, they can get some good outcomes if they plan out their squad before each mission.

6 Ready For Romance?

For those interested, there are plenty of romance options in the Mass Effect universe. Some characters are only romanceable for either the male or female version of Shepard, but there are a few characters who are romanceable by either gender, like Liara or Kaiden (though Kaiden is only romanceable for male Shepard in Mass Effect 3).

Some relationships carry on through other games. Certain characters aren’t romanceable in one game in the series but then become available in other entries (like Garrus). If players want to make sure they can romance a certain character, there are lots of useful guides online.

5 Never Skip Loyalty Missions

In certain games in the Mass Effect series, mainly Mass Effect 2 and Andromeda, the games have Loyalty missions that come up for every character on Shepard’s team. These missions are important for several reasons, and it’s important to never pass them up, even if some are longer than others.

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For starters, loyalty missions can be the difference between life and death for the relevant characters. While completing a loyalty mission still leaves a little room for error, most of the time, it’s the best chance at having successful later missions where nobody dies. Besides that, completing each mission also unlock new powers for characters, so that’s pretty cool.

4 It’s Worth Playing Again

Some players might like to replay games a few times, even if a title just has a linear story. Others might prefer a “one and done” kind of game where they feel satisfied with just one playthrough.

While players could still enjoy Mass Effect with one playthrough, this series is well worth the time and effort of a second (or more) playthrough. Whether players switch which morality Shepard has or they just want to play again to catch more details, there’s always something new to notice and experience that keeps the game feeling fresh.

3 Be Prepared To Cry

Mass Effect can be an emotional game in more ways than one. Whether the franchise makes players happy by showing a reunion between characters or makes them cry at a heartfelt goodbye, it’s a roller coaster of emotions throughout the story.

Not only that, but players need to be prepared for certain characters to die. Mass Effect can be like Game Of Thrones, as even fan-favorite characters aren’t safe. Some deaths are inevitable depending on which morality path players choose, but some deaths can be avoided, so it’s a good idea to save often in case a mistake is made.

2 Take Time To Explore

The designs of certain worlds in the Mass Effect series are very detailed and beautiful, so sometimes it’s worth exploring for the view alone. If that doesn’t sound appealing, it’s worth noting that there are a few side missions that can only be found by walking around and talking to people, and those missions aren’t always in plain sight.

It’s a good idea for players to take in their surroundings as much as possible if they want to have every opportunity to get more EXP and potentially more morality points before the game ends.

1 DLC Is Worth It

Plenty of players might be apprehensive about buying DLC for games, especially if the DLC seems like it should’ve been included in the base game. However, those who are interested are sure to enjoy the DLC for Mass Effect if they choose to buy it. The games are still enjoyable without the DLC, but these extra packs add a whole new level of enjoyment that many other games can’t compete with.

Besides just adding new missions, a few of the DLC packs even add new characters that won’t show up any time in the base games. There’s even some fan-service in packs like the Citadel DLC for Mass Effect 3, which includes more heartfelt and hilarious interactions with friends and love interests. They can be a nice addition for fans who want to get to know these characters better.

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