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The finished product is pretty solid when it comes to gameplay and stays faithful to the spirit of the original iteration. Nevertheless, there was still plenty of material left over on the cutting room floor. This collection of cut content varies wildly from deleted enemies, puzzle/inventory items, and scrapped gameplay sequences.

10 The Driving Sequence

Games in the Resident Evil series all follow similar formulas consisting of exploration, puzzle-solving, and combat. Perhaps the most significant change apparent in the Resident Evil 2 remake was the decision to replace fixed camera angles with a more fluid third-person view.

Interestingly, Alpha test footage exists of a sequence where players presumably were to drive a car. It appears that at one point the developers considered allowing players to control Leon as he drives to Raccoon City. The idea appears to have been scrapped early on and replaced with a cutscene.

9 Licker Zombie

Long-time fans of the franchise are undoubtedly familiar with the Licker. Their visible brains and long, protruding tongues are a difficult sight to forget. Obviously, such a memorable enemy was almost guaranteed to be included in the remake.

Something that fans may not know, however, was that a Licker Zombie enemy was also considered. Unlockable concept art reveals that this version of the Licker would have been bipedal. It would have presumably transformed by splitting its own head open to reveal the brain. The abnormally long tongue, of course, was also a feature.

8 Sword Of Damocles & Other Puzzle Items

Perusing a game’s data files can sometimes reveal some interesting information. Resident Evil 2 (2019) is full of unused items that, for one reason or another, never made it into the final product. Fans can only speculate as to their intended uses.

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One tool of note is the Sword of Damocles, an item from ancient Greek fiction. The presence of this item, along with others such as unused keys and medallions, suggests there were additional puzzles in the game that were either cut or reworked in some fashion.

7 Additional Boss Fighting Tactics

Boss fights in the Resident Evil 2 remake don’t really require the memorization of complicated tactics to achieve victory. Fighting a boss in the Resident Evil franchise usually boils down to locating a weak point and then exploiting it by using overwhelming force. In the case of William Birkin, his gigantic eye is his Achilles Heel.

Early-game footage reveals an additional caveat to the first encounter the player has with Birkin. It was initially proposed that the player would have to lure Birkin into striking the steam pipes, presumably damaging him and forcing Birkin to unguard his eye. It’s an extra, albeit not a wholly important step, that was cut to the encounter.

6 More Tyrant Animations

Mr. X is one of the more prominent villains in Resident Evil 2 (2019). Although he’s not the swiftest enemy the player will ever meet, Mr. X packs quite a punch and his approach can easily induce panic. Getting caught by him on the higher difficulty settings can quickly result in a game over.

The Tyrant originally had a few more animations under his belt. One consisted of an additional grab attack. Another has to do with how Mr. X reacts to getting hit with the spark shot. When struck, Mr. X will convulse as the electricity hits his body. However, since Claire only gets the spark shot after the Tyrant is defeated, the animation can’t be witnessed in the main campaign. Nevertheless, it can be seen in the 4th Survivor and Tofu Survivor minigames.

5 The Condemned

Resident Evil 2 (2019) has plenty of unlockable material, some of which comes in the form of concept art. Some of these sketches showcase enemy types that were cut throughout the course of the game’s development.

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The Condemned is one such enemy that was slated to appear during the Orphanage segment with Sherry. Based on their design, the Condemned appear to be emaciated test subjects bearing various metal apparatuses over their bodies. They were cut in favor of a chase sequence with the homicidal Brian Irons instead.

4 Assorted Inventory Items

The first few entries in the Resident Evil franchise are recognized, first and foremost, as survival horror experiences. As such, inventory management plays a key role in the gameplay as not everything can be stuffed into Claire and Leon’s pockets.

Once again, with a little data mining, there actually exists a wide array of cut inventory items. Tools such as herb and ammunition kits, keyrings, and even a Zippo lighter were once considered to make an appearance.

3 Fixed Camera Angles

It’s already been mentioned previously that the Resident Evil 2 remake doesn’t include fixed camera angles in the vein of the original title. The developers opted for a more modern approach that utilizes a third-person, over-the-shoulder view. It was believed that this camera angle would better heighten the tension by making the player feel like they were in Claire and Leon’s shoes.

Of course, the allure of maintaining the feel of the original release was present during development. Capcom experimented with bringing back fixed camera angles for the remake before ultimately deciding to go in a different direction.

2 The Umbrella Sky Tram

Concept art can tell the player a lot about what was originally planned for a game. One location that’s often alluded to in both versions of the game is the Umbrella Chemical Plant, one of the pharmaceutical company’s many fronts, located in the Arklay Mountains.

Originally, Resident Evil 2 (2019) was going to include this location. Leon and/or Claire were supposed to access the factory by way of a sky tram. The sequence was cut, with players instead traveling directly to the NEST. The concept art of the tram itself is the only evidence that remains of this sequence.

1 The Wheelchair Zombie

There’s no shortage of horrific enemy designs in the Resident Evil universe. Zombies, along with various other infected enemies, flood the streets of Raccoon City, the police station, and the NEST. In addition to its plant-based enemies, the latter location initially included a new type of zombie too.

Once again, based on the in-game concept art, a wheelchair-bound zombie was slated to appear at some point in the later stages of the game. Since the enemy in question is wearing a lab coat, it may not be too far of a stretch to assume that this particular zombie was supposed to be encountered in the NEST.

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