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Four years is a long time, so some fans of the series may not remember a lot from the last game. Moreover, id Software and Bethesda have revealed plenty of information about the sequel. If you have missed any of those details or can’t remember 2016’s Doom, then this list will catch you up.

10 Animal Crossing: New Horizons Releases The Same Day

March 20 will see Animal Crossing: New Horizons and Doom Eternal battle it out among gamers. Fans of both franchises have actually bonded over the games’ shared release date. So, you may be asking why this is a need-to-know detail for Doom Eternal.

Well, if you are curious why your friends or family are not playing Doom Eternal, they may be enticed by Animal Crossing: New Horizons instead. So, if you have to make a choice between either, then you better choose wisely.

9 Samuel Hayden Will Return

If you played through Doom 2016, you know Samuel Hayden asks you to shut down the Hell portals on Mars. The Doomslayer is almost in constant communication with the man. Hayden no longer has the body of a man after losing it to cancer. Now, his mind resides in a cyborg.

A Doom Eternal trailer has revealed Samuel Hayden’s return in some capacity. The trailer shows Hayden severely damaged and being worked on by scientists. Hayden stole the Crucible at the end of 2016’s Doom, so he may be the antagonist of Doom Eternal.

8 Doom Eternal Takes Place On Earth

Doom took place on Mars and in literal Hell. Doom Eternal will crank the craziness to eleven and take place on Earth. After the escape of Hayden, he most likely returned to Earth in order to harness the energy from Hell.

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Gameplay trailers have revealed urban areas decimated by demon activities. A gameplay trailer has also showcased a lot of verticality. This feature will play an important role in combat as the Doomslayer traverses the hellish landscape.

7 Classic Demons Are Returning

id Software has announced some classic demons would be returning in Eternal. The first game was full of demons that would terrify many if they ran into them in an alley. Fans of the original Doom will appreciate the new hellish creatures returning.

Classics such as the Arachnotron, Archvile, and Hellified Soldiers are returning. These classic demons are the only we have seen that are returning. We may very well see more upon release of the game. Regardless, there will be a huge variety of demons to shoot and slash.

6 There Are Brand New Demons

Classic demons are returning, but they have some new friends. One of the deadliest additions to the demon roster is Whiplash. She is the first female demon type in the universe and requires players to move constantly. Whiplash will try to get behind players in order to use a devastating whiplash.

Another demon that will make its debut appearance is known as the tentacle. This creature is more of a simple pest between larger fights. Giant tentacles will pop out of holes in the floor and cause damage to the player, but they not appear in every hole.

5 It Is Bigger Than 2016’s Doom

2016’s Doom had a 13-hour campaign. Throughout that campaign, there is not a lot of narratives as Doom has always been about the kills and combat. Doom Eternal is a much bigger game and will reportedly have a more than a 22-hour long campaign.

id Software and Bethesda are going all out for Doom Eternal. The length of the game already says how ambitious the developers are going. Plus, fans are excited to have more hours of glory kills and smooth gunplay.

4 Sick New Weapons

Since there will be a slew of new demons in Doom Eternal, Doomslayer needs a variety of new weapons to dispatch them. The weapons in Doom have always been some of the most interesting in the gaming industry. Plus, they offer a wide range of glory kills for players to enjoy.

Of course, plenty of weapons will be returning, such as the shotgun and chainsaw. However, players will also have access to the arm blade. The arm blade opens up many more glory kill types, which are always satisfying to perform.

3 Multiple Lives

Doom 2016 was sometimes brutal to players. Once they died, they would have to reset to the most recent checkpoint. id Software has given players a better opportunity of getting through that area or beating that boss by adding lives.

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Instead of simply respawning at the last checkpoint after you die, you will activate your next life. The screen will change, and you will be invulnerable for a few seconds as your next life kicks in. The life system will help players get through areas they may have a tough time with.

2 Invasion

Doom Eternal is allowing players to invade other player’s games as demons. Similar to Dark Souls, players can choose to jump into a player’s game and try to kill them as a demon. This option will not come out at launch but will arrive as free DLC.

Little is known about this gameplay option. id Software has not revealed a lot over the mechanic. There is currently no gameplay of players as demons or if you can select which demon you want to play. No matter what, the game mode sounds like a blast.

1 Battlemode

Doom had a standard multiplayer suite: players killed other players. There was not a lot of uniqueness to the game so, many were not fans. Doom Eternal adds Battlemode, which will pit Doomslayer against two demons.

Two players play as a demon of their choice, while the opposing player is simply Doomslayer. Demons need to strategize against the slayer in order to when. Doomslayer needs to use their skills against the demons in order to escape the nightmare.

NEXT: Doom Eternal: 5 Things We Know So Far (& 5 We’re Hoping For)