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While the game is still new, many players may not be aware of these useful mechanics. Every little bit helps in the effort to regain control, especially if it’s on permadeath mode. Here are some things the average player may not know they can do in this action RPG.

10 Fast Travel Via Recruits

Traveling the environment can be a pain despite the many options to get around. Sometimes cars aren’t fast enough and the underground stations don’t go quite where the player wants to be. To save time on traveling there is a secret fast travel option using recruits.

What many players may not know is that the player can switch to a recruit in one of two ways; by summoning the recruit to their location or fast traveling to theirs. This last option gives the player a variety of fast travel options depending on where their recruits are located, a major incentive for recruiting as many people as possible across the city.

9 Stay In The Car

While there are some tasks and missions that require direct human involvement, there are a surprising number of actions that don’t. Especially if the player is utilizing Spiderbots. One tactic players can use is to deploy a Spiderbot and then hop back in the car.

While the radio’s playing and the A/C is on players can get a variety of things done with the Spiderbot. After they are done the Spiderbot can be directed to hop on top of the car and stay put. The player can then drive wherever they want and use the Spiderbot again without ever leaving the vehicle, it’s a great feature for the RPG.

8 Spiderbot Turret

There’s also another benefit that comes from Spiderbots latching onto cars. If the player ever gets into a sticky situation and needs to make a getaway the Spiderbot can provide defense by shooting pursuers.

This essentially turns the Spiderbot into an automated turret that leaves the player free to focus on driving. There is some risk to this as there is the potential for collateral damage, the Spiderbot can be destroyed, and it isn’t exactly subtle. But it’s a great fallback option when everything goes wrong on an operation.

7 Drop Spiderbots

A great perk to Spiderbot is that they can access many places the player’s character would never be able to. This includes areas that would require some nasty falls. This is because Spiderbots do not suffer from fall damage.

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This means the player can direct a Spiderbot to jump off a building, drop one from a Cargo Drone or any number of scenarios without risk of damaging the bot. This opens up a number of options for infiltrating various sites.

6 Distract With Harmless Traps

Traps are useful for taking out guards and getting access to facilities. The catch is that traps often leave behind bodies which can be discovered by others and result in the place being placed on high alert. One solution to this is to bait with a trap and then quickly recall it.

The Electro-Shock trap for instance will gain a guard’s attention and lure them in. The player can quickly recall the device before it’s triggered leaving the guard to look for something that’s no longer there. This is a great way to sneak around enemies without raising more suspicion than needed.

5 Guerilla Fight With Spiderbots

One commonly overlooked advantage of Spiderbots is that they can fit into small and hard to reach places. While this is obvious for stealth and infiltration, it can pay off big time in combat scenarios.

The player can direct their Spiderbot’s powerful weapons to fire upon an opponent before skittering under a shelf or into a vent. This leaves the enemy unable to retaliate and distracted by the unreachable threat. It’s a good way to soften up opponents, take out threats, or provide a helpful distraction.

4 Borrow Spiderbots

Given the usefulness of Spiderbots, it’s important to have them on missions, but this often comes at the cost of using a utility slot that could be used for other gear. A solution is to hack a new Spiderbot into existence.

Turns out there are a number of hidden docking stations in the world that the player can use to summon a new robot. This is great if the previous one is out of commission or if the player needed other gear but still wants to use one.

3 Fly Drones Out Of Range

Riot Drones are a nuisance when the player want to enter a building. They’ll alert guards and create chaos which can get operatives killed. Trying to hack them can also raise suspicion and once they recover they’ll return to their patrols.

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A handy solution to their presence is to hack a Riot Drone and fly it as far away as possible. Best case scenario the drone is now out of range of the signal and won’t know to return home. Worst case scenario it buys the player some time while the drone lumbers back to its patrol.

2 Attach Electro-Shock To Drones

An interesting mechanic players can do in this game is to combine the Electro-Shock with a Drone. This turns the drone into a mobile stun gun that can swoop in on a group of enemies and shock everyone.

It takes a bit of practice and works best if the enemies are grouped together. But players can quickly incapacitate a large number of foes to gain entrance to facilities, escape from pursuers, or sow chaos in the streets.

1 Hack Drone Dock

Drones are useful, but ensuring an operative has access to them or hacking into wandering drones can become a bit tedious. It’s also frustrating not to be able to gain access to a specific drone. One way to circumvent this is to find a Drone Dock.

These small Drone bays are found on various buildings throughout the city. These can be hacked to produce the exact drone the player needs for any given situation. It does require knowing where they are which takes some scouting but having these on hand to produce a drone for any given situation is very useful.

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