Today we will be looking at some of the many things that players might not have had any idea that they could do while playing Until Dawn. From starting fights to ending lives in unique and exciting ways, we will explore the hidden side of this classic choice-based game.

10 10. Get Matt and Mike to Fight

Some fans like to focus on the survival aspects of the game. Others like to explore the mountain and collect every possible clue in order to solve the mystery before the game makes it glaringly obvious. And some prefer to explore the psychological nature of the game and force the characters to turn on each other.

If provoked actively and thoroughly, players can get Jessica and Emily to fight with them. Or, if players choose to do so, they can focus on Matt’s aggressive side and egg him on until he goes after Mike.

9 9. Let Emily Keep The Flare Gun

The flare gun is a rather tricky object that can be used at different points throughout the game and many players experiment with it during their second and third playthroughs of the game.

Though players are free to do whatever they want in the game, allowing Emily to keep the flare gun can allow players to save numerous lives later in the game. If Emily has the gun, she can prevent herself from getting bitten which will prevent Ashley and Mike from losing it on Emily and can keep the peace between the three.

8 8. Download The Companion App

Sometimes companion apps can be gimmicks that are a rather big waste of time. But the Until Dawn companion app actually adds something to the game.

If you choose to download the companion app and connect your game, you will notice several small changes throughout the game as well as some bonus features. One of these bonus features is that players will receive a call from the Psycho himself who will talk about the scene which is taking place.

7 7. Ashley Can Lose Her Eyes

Players who have set themselves the goal to end each and every single life within the game will know that one of the more gruesome deaths in the game involves a wendigo ending Emily’s life through her own eyes. But they may not know that Ashley can have her eyes ripped out as well.

A few things need to happen in order for this event to occur. First, Emily needs to have been bitten and she needs to come clean to Ashley about it; after which Ashley will hit her. Both Ashley and Emily need to survive long enough to make it to the lodge. When danger appears, Emily will knock Ashley over.  Ignore Mike when he tells you not to move, ignore the quick time event that tells you to “save Ashley,” and you will be rewarded with be able to watch Ashley’s eyes be gouged by a monster.

6 6. Explore The Maniacs Lair

Though this may be obvious to some players, others may have no clue that it was even an option. If Sam is caught too early while being hunted, players will miss the chance to fully explore the Maniacs Lair.

If they are able to avoid him, they will be able to interact with this area in-depth and will discover some clues that will help them out later in the game. Being able to explore this section of the game might even help Sam uncover the man behind the mask before he reveals himself.

5 5. Don’t Save Emily

When encountering the point in the game where Emily and Matt are attempting to get from the cable car to the fire tower, Emily will fall and Matt will have the chance to save her.

Players should know that they don’t have to save Emily if they do not want to. However, if they choose to ignore Emily, she will not be pleased. She will not die at this point in the game, as she will be able to pull herself up on her own. But she is not going to be happy with you if you choose to ignore her.

4 4. The Elk Will Attack

The best advice we could give people who wish for a smooth playthrough is for the player to remember to always be kind towards the animals within the game. Being cruel towards them will result in the creatures turning against the characters. And if players are cruel towards the animals at every opportunity, nature will not be kind in return.

If players decide to harm the animals around them every time they are given the option to do so, the elk that meet Matt atop of the cliff will be anything but friendly.

3 3. Get Chris Hit With A Plank

One of the most fascinating aspects of Until Dawn is the fact that even the most innocuous choices can have an impact on the course of the game and the interactions between its characters. A choice that seems like it won’t matter either way has the capacity to affect each and every character.

An example of this is the fact that, if Ashley decides to be rather brash and claim that Hannah was overreacting (rather than being understanding and empathetic towards Hannah’s reaction,) Chris will end up getting hit by a wood plank.

2 2. Don’t Let Matt Look Through The Telescope

If you enjoy adding a bit of chaos into your gameplay, then ignore our advice and encourage Matt to look through that telescope. If you do so, he will see Emily and Mike… which he will not react well to.

Though his freak out won’t have a huge impact on the games ending, it will affect the way that the others see him as well as altering his feelings towards both Emily and Mike.

1 1. The Television Jump Scare

Though some fans may not like the idea of adding another jumpscare to the mix, other fans (likely those who crave a bit more horror in their game time) will be delighted by this tip.

When Sam sets out to “explore” the cabin while her attempt at taking a bath was thwarted by the inactive hot water tank, she has the ability to explore a room in the lower floors. She will come upon a television that, when interacted with, can provide her with a bit of a jump scare.

Next: Until Dawn: 10 Questions We Still Need Answers To