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The best part about the game is it’s attention to detail. This game doesn’t do much hand-holding. Instead, it allows players to free form their techniques in the game. Here’s a couple of things most players didn’t know they can do in the game.

10 Hip Firing Successfully

Most of the players who love FPS games are aware of titles such as Call of Duty, Battlefield, etc. These games have a deep focus on switching sights and zooming in on the enemies to take a shot.  Since Titanfall belongs to a similar family, most players assume that this game needs to be played in a similar pattern. Sadly that is far from the truth. Titanfall 2 doesn’t follow a specific playstyle. It is a hybrid of many other titles and allows the players to be completely free with their shooting abilities. Hip-firing in the game is absolutely possible and a very beneficial technique. So do not let the influence of other games be a factor in the playstyle. The Alternator is a great weapon to start sharpening Hip-firing skills.

9 Using Grapple Hook In Short Range

While players must be aware of the grapple hook in Titanfall 2, there are many things that the game doesn’t tell about the usefulness of that gadget. While yes, the game allows the players to use the grapple hook to climb to vantage points and swing around, it has perfect use in short-range as well. If mastered correctly, the grapple hook can be used within a short-range, specifically interiors, to relocate quickly. The quick repositioning helps players evade and dash out of sticky situations.

8  Slide Hopping For Maximum Speed

One thing that not many players know about is the slide-hopping. What is this magical technique?  Well, it is essentially a way to pick up speed, travel faster while almost sliding on the surface. It involves players to jump, slide, and push in a direction after swinging from the grapple hook.

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An excellent guide by YouTube user Forthy is available online, where almost everything about this technique is explained. This can be very useful during multiplayer to quickly move from one place to the other.

7 Gravity Star Speedboost

Let us talk about how Titanfall 2 lets players create innovative and unique techniques. There’s pilot ordnance in the game titled the Gravity Star. This little piece of gadget is essentially a sort of grenade that has gravitational abilities. But there’s a lot more strategy to Gravity Star than its intended use. Players can throw one of these and find out the perfect timing to jump through them. If done correctly, the explosion will cause the players to launch themselves in a direction at a fast speed.

6 Gas Ignition

While in most games, it is evident that shooing a red barrel means explosion, Titanfall 2 takes it one step further. On top of the traditional blasts, there are ways to trigger explosions from a detail-oriented gameplay oddity, such as scorches gas. Whenever there’s a scorches gas leak, players can use a Firestar to ignite the place on fire in a bang. And while this is a very specific little detail, it is something that players can easily do if they are present in the right situation at the right time.

5 Grappling or Pinning Pilots

While playing Titanfall 2, there will be times when players are wreaking havoc in their titans. During this time, players will find themselves in a situation when they have to emergency eject out of the titan. But beware of mindless ejecting because anyone with a grappling hook is a potential killer.

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That is right. A well-timed grapple hook can snatch the ejecting pilot from a distance for a great melee kill. This is a very cool little detail, almost like a Spider-Man web snatching move.

4 Manual Ejection

Another little piece of detail is manual ejection. While not many know, there’s a way to eject from titan even if the health is full manually. On PC, this can be remapped in the controls, and on consoles, it is done by pressing up on the D-pad and tapping X three times. Eject sequence initiation can help players in sticky situations and provide a cool escape. It can also be used to kill a pilot in front of the titan by jumping over them and shooting them.

3 Northstar Execution Mid Flight

Based on the Stryder chassis, a Northstar is a Titan that has a cool execution move. However, not many know that it is possible to kill a Northstar with another Northstar mid-flight. All players have to do is execute the Titan mid-flight. By doing so, they will trigger the whole ground animation in the air, and it will look pretty glitchy. On top, this is a scarce situation, but it can be done successfully.

2 Convert Ticks

Considered an anti-personnel robotic weapon, Ticks are a very cool boost in the multiplayer of Titanfall 2. However, not many people know that a rival’s ticks can be converted into ally ticks. There’s a great video by YouTube user TrickyAcidGaming, where he explains the entire process of doing this. Basically, what players need to do is use a vortex shield and try to catch the tick before hatching. This involves excellent timing, but it can be done successfully. However, the chances of using this in an actual game are highly unlikely.

1 Kill A Titan By Dropping A Titan

Here’s one little blasting detail in Titanfall 2 that is related to the titans. While it might take a reasonable amount of time for a pilot to take down a titan, there’s a straightforward way it can be done in one shot. As unbelievable as it may sound, the method is simple. Call a titan on another titan. Doing this almost always guarantees that the titan on the ground will get crushed into dust particles. An in-game application for this isn’t as easy, but it is a cool little detail none the less.

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