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While tips and tricks are fine and dandy, Star Wars Squadron’s players need even more than that. The game being so direct makes it easy for many players to miss resources and actions they can do to make winning their space battles just a bit easier.

10 Play The Story

This may seem like a moot point, though today a large sum of gamers enjoy jumping directly into the multiplayer. Even for players like this that tend to avoid single player story modes like the plague, it is worth a go. The story is short, and serves to familiarize the player with some of the finer aspects of the games mechanics.

9 Change Difficulty In The Middle Of The Action

For those that choose to do the campaign first, even that can be overwhelming (We seem to be in an era of gaming where high difficulty is standard). Luckily Squadrons players always have the option to change the difficulty via the in game menu. This is a good tool to use for practicing different levels of difficulty and getting acquainted with the mechanics in high pressure situations.

8 Use Squad Commands To Change The Tide Of Battle

Squad commands are a mechanic that have become very popular this gaming generation. So popular in fact, that many players simply tend to overlook them and let their party AI do it’s own thing. While everyone has their own style of gameplay, squad commands should not be ignored in Star Wars Squadrons. 

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From destroying enemies, to defending crucial targets, the squad AI really knows how to get the job done. Knowing when and how to utilize these commands can mean the simple difference between victory and defeat.

7 Use Friendly Capital Ships For A Breather

Friendly capital ships can truly be a sight for sore eyes for any star pilot. For pilots experiencing constant enemy attacks, low health, or just need a quasi-break from the action, these can be a life saver. Flying within the shields of a friendly capital ship will protect players from enemy fire and provide them with some much needed breathing room to plan their next course of attack.

6 Use Ion Missiles To Take Out Enemy Shields

It doesn’t matter what kind of ship the enemy is piloting, if it has a shield, the ion missile will take it out. Many players aren’t aware of this arsenals specific use and will spend unnecessary moments pounding away at enemy shields with less than effective munition. The most effective path of least resistance, is to take out shields with ion missiles. In addition to taking out the shield, ion missiles will disable the ships components, putting it in a very precarious position.

5 Use The Reticule To Gauge Shot Accuracy

It is important that players conserve ammo and do not fire blindly in Squadrons, ships left without munitions to fire in no mans land will not last very long. Luckily the game provides players with a reticle to judge whether or not their shots will successfully land. When this reticle is red, fire away, when it’s white, take a moment to line up a better shot.

4 Divert Power To Engines Or Weapons

The ships in Star Wars Squadrons have limited power resources, and they share these resources between the weapons systems, and general engine. Players are indeed able to decide where they want the majority of power diverted to. If the situation requires a faster recharge on the blasters, divert power to weapons, if it requires for the ship to speed up rapidly, divert to engines. This system is dynamic, and allows the players to allocate power resources as they see fit.

3 Drift

This may actually be the most difficult maneuver to master, however it can get players out of virtually any pinch. Drifting is the process of turning ones ship on a dime. It is a complicated process, that certainly takes some practice to master, though the payout is worth it.

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To execute this maneuver, players must first divert all power to their engines, once this has been done they must reach max speed, finally the player must at the same time boost, turn, and kill power to the engines. A few practice runs, and any pilot can master this trick in due time.

2 Shield Focusing And Balancing

Shields have always been lifesavers in the most difficult games. The same holds true for Squadrons, while unlike other games the shield does not have to be manually held up to actually defend the player, it’s use is much more complex. Player can, if they so choose, focus their shields to either the front or back side of the ship.

This will provide one side with more protection, while leaving the other more vulnerable for attack. This tactic can be incredibly useful and allow players to execute extremely risky attacks. This is a tactic that should only be used by more advanced players that have the ability to gauge how a situation can develop.

1 Look Around

This is simultaneously the most simple, yet most crucial entry on this list. Many players find themselves easily distracted by the action, that they forget to look around. The ships console offers players with a wealth of information, from radars telling them where enemies are, to different gauges showing the ships status.

The cockpit information is necessary to take in and understand if players want to succeed in Squadrons. Finally players have the ability to enter a free-look mode and see what is going on around them, this is very useful for catching ones breath and making a more detailed plan of action. Happy flying!

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