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While some secrets are great to discover on your own, it’s also great to know what you have missed out on. This isn’t a title in which you’ll likely spot everything on your first pass-through. There is a lot of backtracking to be done here and many moves you won’t fully realize you can utilize until later on! Here are some of the many secrets and mechanics hidden inside Luigi’s Mansion 3.

10 Shoulder Buttons

Unintentionally hidden is the fact that the shoulder buttons also have the vacuum functions mapped to them, as well as the face buttons. The game keeps this to itself during gameplay, the only mention being in the control map in the menu. This hidden feature makes way more sense with the gameplay and the other controls of the game. The “default” controls have you use the face buttons, which takes your thumb off the left stick, which makes you unable to turn while using the vacuum.

9 Hit the Ghosts with the Ghosts

Luigi’s Mansion 3 introduces the “slam” maneuver during combat with ghosts. This maneuver deals a ton of damage to the ghosts Luigi has sucked up and is the only way to deal damage to some of the boss ghosts. This move also lets you deal some damage to the other ghosts around that Luigi doesn’t have sucked up. You can slam the ghosts with the ghosts, no matter what direction you need to swing. Seriously, the game will break and teleport the ghosts wherever they need to be. so swing where you want to.

8 Pet The Dog

Like all good video games, you can absolutely pet Polterpup whenever it’s around Luigi. Polterpup loves getting pets and Luigi clearly loves petting his trusted companion.

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Polterpup isn’t always with Luigi during his time busting ghosts in Luigi’s Mansion 3 but whenever it is, just give it a rub because it is proven to relieve stress and Luigi definitely needs the stress relief.

7 Slam Vending Machines

On some of the earlier floors, there are vending machines around that spit out some goodies whenever the light sensor gets activated. That’s fairly obvious, the light sensors stick out like a sore thumb throughout the entire game. What might not be immediately apparent, especially that early in the game, that the vending machines can be suctioned and pulled over to explode any goodies that it didn’t want to share with you. One of them is even hiding a room with a gem in it.

6 Yell For Mario

In the original Luigi’s Mansion, one of the biggest features was the ability to have Luigi call out for Mario during his time searching through the mansion. In Luigi’s Mansion 3 it isn’t made apparent but the same function is available, set to the d-pad. This allows for you to yell for Mario to your heart’s desire and even get Gooigi in on the action since he can do it too, in his own special way.

5 Turn Off Hints

The moment that Luigi finds Dr. E Gadd, the ghost obsessed scientist never shuts up. He busts out a headset (named the virtual boo) to give to Luigi that has a bunch of great functions, but ultimately he uses it to call Luigi every thirty seconds.

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No joke, Dr. E. Gadd wrote a guide on how to beat the game and insists on calling Luigi and reading it to him. If being told how to beat the game doesn’t sound like your jam, the option exists to turn the hints off, making it so that Luigi has to call the doctor if he wants some help.

4 Use Gooigi as bait

While it’s not listed in his capabilities when Dr. E Gadd gives Gooigi to Luigi, Gooigi makes excellent bait for ghosts throughout the game. While a couple of cutscenes showcase how Gooigi ain’t, in fact, afraid of no ghosts, Luigi can abuse this infinitely reusable ball of goo to take some hits. It also lets Luigi get a better drop on the ghosts he is fighting if they are focused on taking down Gooigi. Not every ghost, especially some bosses, will take the bait, but it’s very helpful when that happens.

3 Hunt Rare Ghosts

If you find yourself looking through the gallery and noticed a very empty section under “rare ghosts” confused why you haven’t found any, know it’s not your fault. All rare ghosts can only be found in the ScareScarper mode, which is the online co-op, based around taking down “dungeons” made up of several levels of ghosts to fight and takedown.

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This typically culminates in a boss fight with the rare ghosts that have been alluding Luigi this whole time. His ghosts are in another hotel.

2 Teleport To The Lab

While the game does make a quick mention of it, it’s an important feature that needs reiterating. A decent chunk into the game Dr. E Gadd gives Luigi a scientific pocket tv, that grows in size and allows Luigi to teleport back to the lab wherever he is, to stock up on golden bones or dump off his newly caught ghosts. This saves a ton of time, taking out the steps of going back to the elevator, taking it to the basement and going to the lab and all the boring stuff. Seriously, it saves all the time.

1 Capture The Director

One of the floors in Luigi’s Mansion doesn’t end in a traditional boss fight with the ghost keeper of that floor. Paranormal Productions, the eighth floor, features a depressed director who has lost his megaphone and therefore his ability to be director. Luigi must get it back for him through a series of puzzles. After reacquiring it, the director is ready to film and pits Luigi against a Godzilla type foe that he must defeat. Upon victory, he gives Luigi the elevator button and heads to the editing room to assemble his masterpiece. You can leave, or you can head in there and capture him, earning an in-game achievement.

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