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If you’ve been bitten by the Detroit bug as well and feel like you’ve already discovered most of the hidden scenes and details in the game, then there is no need to worry! Most likely, there are still more things to find. From watching Kara become an evil android to Kamski returning to his old position as the CEO of CyberLife, here are 10 things you didn’t know you couldn’t do in Detroit: Become Human.

Warning - Spoilers ahead!

10 Steal To Survive

While controlling Kara, you’ll have to make lots of morally ambiguous choices in order to keep yourself and Alice alive. If you have the gun with you from your previous home, you can hold the store clerk at a gunpoint and even steal from him.

Later on, you can also steal the bus tickets of a family, preventing them from crossing the border. These are all quite selfish decisions, but at the end of the day, it’s all about how far you’re willing to go to finally get to safety and get the life that you deserve.

9 Self-Sabotage

You’ll control three characters throughout your playthrough, and sometimes the scenes and events of the story overlap. This is especially the case with Detective Connor, who is assigned to track down and capture deviant androids. Meanwhile, you’ll play as Markus and Kara, both of whom are deviants on the run.

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It’s up to you whether you want to sabotage Connor’s perspective on purpose in order to ensure that Markus gets away and that Kara’s able to run off after spending her first night on the run. You can even prevent Connor from ever discovering Jericho’s location.

8 Turn Kara Into An Evil Android

When Kara arrives at Zlatko’s house, she’s captured and placed into a machine that’s set to wipe her memory. If this is allowed to happen rather than fighting it, players will need to piece together Kara’s memories within ten minutes by looking at different clues around the house.

If Kara fails to do this in time, a secret ending scene is unlocked in which Kara is shown to work as a servant for Zlatko, with her eyes turned completely black and Alice nowhere in sight. It’s a gruesome but interesting ending to unlock.

7 Kill Connor Repeatedly

Connor’s story will revolve around his will to survive, but also his call of duty to sacrifice himself whenever needed. You’ll have multiple opportunities to ensure that Hank lives by taking a bullet for him, but in turn, this will force CyberLife to send a new version of Connor.

Moreover, Connor’s software instability will increase since he is prioritizing saving Hank rather than completing his mission flawlessly. There are some additional nuances to this, but it is possible to kill or always spare Connor in each of his missions, as long as the right choices are made.

6 Have CyberLife Start An Android Revolution

If you’re among the people who receive the ending where Connor ends up the leader of the violent android revolution, he’ll be asked to speak to his new followers. With both Markus and North dead, and the military backing down as a result of all the androids at CyberLife being freed, Connor is the only one left.

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However, Amanda - Connor’s internal programming - will attempt to take control of him one last time and persuade him. You can choose to give in to CyberLife and let them control the android revolution or take your own life so that the revolution can carry on independently.

5 Let CyberLife Deactivate Connor

In case you decide to follow Amanda’s instructions down to every detail and successfully hunt down the deviants, Connor will receive an ending where he’s congratulated by her.

This might seem at first like a good ending for him personally, but Amanda soon reveals that a new model of Connor has been released and that Connor’s current model will be deactivated since he has become obsolete. In the end, Connor is frozen within his own personal zen garden, showing once more that everything and everyone is expendable to CyberLife.

4 See Kamski Become CEO Again

If all main characters completely fail their missions and die early on in the game, Kamski will have a special ending. In order to get this, Kara must be killed in Zlatko’s house, Connor needs to not find out Jericho’s location, and Markus needs to be shot during the Freedom March.

As a result, the military will raid Jericho, killing or capturing every android discovered. Kamski will then appear on the news and announce his return as the CEO of CyberLife, ensuring that deviancy will never happen again.

3 Release Or Keep Chloe

When you first begin your adventure in Detroit: Become Human, you’ll enter the menu screen and see the face of a woman who will become quite familiar to you. This is Chloe, one of Kamski’s androids. She’ll make tons of comments about the choices made throughout the campaign, as well as take note of how often the user is playing.

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Chloe will even comment on a specific scene that you’re in, making her feel surprisingly real. At some point, however, you must make a choice: Keep her restricted to the menu screen or let her go freely. If Chloe leaves, you won’t see her again, but it might be a moral and ethical choice worth considering.

2 Have Marcus Kicked Out Of Jericho

Jericho might seem like such an important aspect of Markus’ story, that it seems insane to even think he would ever get kicked out of it. However, it can happen. If you constantly fail your missions with Jericho and disappoint the people you’re supposed to be leading, Markus’ approval rate will eventually plummet so low that Jericho will kick him out.

From there onward, North will assume Markus’ position as the leader, and if you play your cards right, Connor might eventually become the leader.

1 Have Hank Take His Own Life

Hank is one of the central characters in Connor’s story, and it’s through him that Connor learns what it means to be human and feel something. Since Hank hates androids, initially, the two have a rocky start, but they ultimately build a lasting friendship.

Alternatively, you can easily make Hank despise Connor. if he’s hostile by the end of Connor’s storyline, Hank will be found at his kitchen table with a gun and a bottle of whiskey. You’ll eventually see a scene where he shoots himself after looking at a photo of his son.

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