This package – which features classic games like Chess, Bowling, and Billards – is at once simple and deceptively deep. One the one hand, games are typically easy to get into, thanks to some intuitive touch controls and clear tutorials.

Still – a compilation with a whopping 51 games is bound to have some nuances and features that likely elude many players. The multiplayer details alone can be fairly complex to pin down.

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With that said, let’s take a look at 10 things you didn’t know you could do in Clubhouse Games: 51 Worldwide Classics.

10 4-Player Tabletop Gaming In “Mosaic Mode”

Tabletop gaming is certainly one of the neater features of Clubhouse Games. But a handful of the minigames available actually take this one step further by allowing for “mosaic mode.” This essentially enables a multi-screen function that combines 2-4 Switch screens to display a single large playing field.

This is supported by the following: Fishing, Slot Cars, Team Tanks, and the Piano. This increase in the visual scale definitely makes those multiplayer showdowns a little more epic.

9 Undo Moves Against Bots

Certain games in Clubhouse Games can be quite complex and frustrating. This is especially the case for relative newbies and those braving AI opponents on the two harder difficulties.

Yet, there is hope! NDCube actually includes an easy-to-use “undo” option that swiftly erases the current move and backs up to the previous one. This isn’t included in every game but is available for some of the deeper ones offered.

This can particularly be useful in more nuanced and in-depth affairs such as Chess, which is likely to produce many regretful moves. This can’t be used against actual players, of course, as this would make for some frustrating face-offs. Still, it’s a handy feature to have at one’s disposal when learning the ropes or playing against a tough bot.

8 Can Bookmark Progress In Some Games

With so many games, it can be tempting to cease one’s current activity and jump into another offering in Clubhouse Games. In addition, one may have to quickly drop everything in the middle of a game and attend to other business. Thankfully, NDCube accounts for this by throwing in a handy bookmark feature in some cases.

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This will allow players to quickly exit a game at any point and hop back in at a moment’s notice. These bookmarks will be saved until the player either selects “start over” or resumes from the bookmarked spot. The best part is, they’ll still be saved even when going to another minigame.

Lengthier affairs such as Yacht Dice, Chess, and Backgammon allow for this.

7 Can Clear Certain Game Boards By Tilting The Switch

Similar to the touch controls, the motion capabilities in Clubhouse Games are refined and fun to play with, despite being pretty subtle. One lesser-known way that motion is used is in some of the board games that consist of individual pieces.

Games like Renegade, Checkers, and Chess can actually be made to feel even more realistic by allowing players to spill the pieces off of the virtual “table” in Tabletop Mode. This is done by simply tilting the Switch screen. It’s a surefire way to annoy friends, but it’s a satisfying little feature.

6 Unlock Nintendo-Themed Cards

There aren’t a ton of unlockables to be had in Clubhouse Games – as this package already offers quite the array of content. However, one neat item to obtain comes in the form of the Mario-themed playing cards. Playing card games enough will eventually trigger a notification from Rita. Go over to the Globe and speak to her, and she’ll present the Mario-themed Matching cards.

Players will need to have partaken in at least 3 card games to unlock this specialized deck. These cards are also featured in games like Blackjack, Texas Hold’em, and Solitaire.

5 Can Switch A Batter’s Handedness In Toy Baseball

Toy Baseball, while enjoyable, can seemingly be on the basic side when it comes to mechanics and customizations. Still – at least one somewhat hidden feature can inject a little nuance, and potentially improve one’s play.

If someone is struggling to connect with a pitch in the game – which is quite tough to do, in fact – try swapping the batter to the other side of the box. This can be done simply by pressing the right and left trigger buttons. This can also serve to throw off a pitcher and make you less predictable at the plate.

4 Single-Switch 4 Player Gaming (For 2 Of The Games)

Much of the multiplayer focus of Clubhouse Games resides in online play and two-player tabletop. Even the games that allow four players, many require multiple Switches. However, there are a couple of offerings that can be enjoyed with simply one Switch and four Joy-Cons.

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The games in question are Blackjack and the deceptively addictive romp “Ludo,” which resembles the classic board game “Sorry!” Basically, if one happens to be hosting a party or social gathering, these are the ones to opt for. A solid runner-up is Chinese Checkers, which can still be played with three players on the same console, at least.

3 Look For Players Online & Their Preferences

At first glance, the online component of Clubhouse Games looks rather basic and stripped-down. And while it’s certainly no Xbox Live, there are a few cool, subtly-implemented features that give it more depth than it seems.

Going to the globe will allow players to see an assortment of random players currently online. Pressing the trigger buttons will sort these players into categories including “heart’s desire,” “favorite food,” and similar medal counts. This will give an idea of who’s currently playing and what games they’re likely engaged in.

2 Use Game Guides To Organize Games Into Types

Staying on the Globe feature – this also acts as a nice tool to play around with. Specifically, it allows players to sort through and categorize games based on their commonalities and general traits. For instance, Daniel will offer a slew of games with randomized elements if someone is feeling lucky.

Tyrone will provide “the four great games” of chess, dominoes, backgammon, and card games, while Ryan will display touch-enabled romps. These sub-groups can then be isolated and selected by clicking on that figure and inviting them.

1 Play A Few Games For Free & With 4 Players!

One cool function included in Clubhouse Games is the ability to play certain games with other players (provided they have a Switch) even if they don’t own the actual title. But NDCube takes this even further by offering a couple of games that four players can enjoy together without anyone buying Clubhouse Games. This is thanks to a free, downloadable demo in the Nintendo Eshop.

Free play demo games that have four-player functionality include dominoes and President, while Slot Cars and 4-in-a-row can be enjoyed with two people on a single console.

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