Like any Battle Royale worth its weight in server space, the game world holds plenty of secrets for players to discover, as the following ten entries below will show. Some of these are fun diversions, while others are helpful hints which could mean the difference between victory and humiliating defeat.

10 Get Kills While Parachuting

A staple of the genre, all players start a match by parachuting out of a plane, giving one the opportunity to either drop into a hot zone or a more peaceful area. One way this drop differs from the other games, however, is the ability to shoot while falling.

If one cuts their parachute, they unholster their gun and can pop off several rounds and redeploy the parachute afterward. Of course, actually hitting something takes immense skill, but practicing for hours upon hours is worth it to document one crazy trick shot.

9 Throwing Rocks In The Gulag

While waiting in the gulag, players can engage in fisticuffs with other opponents in the queue. They can even throw rocks at each other. Some players have already discovered the ability to turn the rocks onto the people in the arena.

If one of the players down below is hit with a stone, they take one damage. While a negligible amount, it still helps ramp up the tension of the already intense firefights.

8 Dropping Items

Inventory management is simplified to a significantly greater level when compared to other titles in the genre. Players rarely have to manage anything, though it is still possible to bring up an inventory menu. This feature comes in handy when traveling with a squad.

If one player is low on armor or ammunition, a teammate can easily drop some supplies for them, assuming anyone has a surplus. While no one wants to feel like they are pulling the most weight on a team, good cooperation can make even less skilled players a valuable asset.

7 Ammo Refills

Ammo is a valuable commodity in Verdansk, and it is surprisingly easy to use it all up in a few seconds during a gunfight. This is why knowing about ammo caches is a must.

Most police stations and gun stores have them, and they fill up one’s ammo with the press of a button. Heading to one at the beginning of a match puts the player at an immediate advantage. Munitions boxes are also available to find or buy, which are more portable versions of these.

6 Use The Parachute After Dropping In

This one may be obvious to most players, but the parachute is deployable during the match when jumping from any height that would otherwise kill the player.

In case anybody was afraid of leaping from a tall building, don’t be; the prompt to deploy the parachute will show up and help create a safe descent. Of course, this doesn’t mean sharpshooters cannot pick off anybody from the ground, but it is less risky than becoming a human pancake.

5 Telephones

It wouldn’t be a Battle Royale without ominous clues on the map which seemingly have no function. Many of the buildings have telephones scattered throughout their offices as any indoor environment would. Players can interact with them, but they just make a beeping noise.

Perhaps a later update will add functionality to these through a special event, or maybe the secret is already waiting to be discovered. Whatever the case, we just hope whoever occupied the buildings canceled their phone plan. We’d hate to think they are still getting charged a monthly fee for a service they aren’t using.

4 Look In Third Person While Parachuting

This one is also fairly obvious, but easy to miss because players are focusing their attention elsewhere when parachuting into the map. A button prompt lets one look around in the third person while gracefully descending onto the map below. It is not just for a vista, either.

Players can use it to get better bearings and more clearly understand how many opponents are close by. Asides from driving vehicles, it is pretty much the only time the series lets players go into a third-person perspective.

3 Secret Laptop In The Military Base

Like phones, this one is also mysterious. In the military base lies a laptop with which players can interact. As of now, it does not do much of anything. One can predict that a future update will give it some purpose, but it would be arguably creepier if the developers never gave players closure to the mystery.

The series isn’t a stranger to hiding obtuse easter eggs and secrets within its multiplayer modes. The famous zombie survival components often hold their share of hidden treasures.

2 Self-Revive Progress Carries Over

Self-revives are vital to staying in the fight. With one equipped, the player can heal themselves if downed by an opponent, assuming the enemy doesn’t finish them off first.

When teammates are nearby, the player can start healing themselves and a comrade can take over, continuing healing off the same meter the downed player already started. A technique like this is invaluable for hectic firefights.

1 Executions

As if dying isn’t bad enough in multiplayer, imagine falling to an enemy who sneaks up from behind. Not only is it humiliating to have let an opponent get so close, but the camera pans out and plays a special execution animation.

It makes one want to close their eyes while their avatar is massacred. Maybe one can look away, but the agony already takes hold. On the bright side, the player can do the same thing to other enemies in Verdansk, assuming they can sneak up close enough.

Next: 10 Tips For Surviving Modern Warfare’s Battle Royale