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Lost Ark combines all of the features that make MMOs popular. The area available to explore is vast, and lore is rich and varied. Character customization is a prominent selling point, and there’s one overall quest that puts all of the smaller adventures into focus. Gamers might be wondering what all the hype is about, with the publicity of the release just starting to get some traction. Here are a few things that the gaming world has yet to learn about Lost Ark.

10 It Was Developed In Korea

South Korea is the unofficial capital of all things MMO. The culture is an important part of everyday life and not really limited to a particular age group. Hundreds of games of several different kinds have been developed in South Korea, and several have made it to international audiences.

MMORPGs that trace their lineage to Korean developers include Lineage and Maple Story. Lost Ark uses artwork that ESO players would find familiar, along with features from other MMOs like quest texts and action bars.

9 A Product Of Smilegate Corporation

Smilegate is a South Korean company that produces Lost Ark, along with other games for both desktop computers and mobile phones. Their mobile games include the Super Tank franchise, and a game that’s appeared on YouTube commercials called Epic Seven.

Presently, their most popular MMO is an FPS-style game known as Crossfire that’s currently available in 80 countries and hosts more than 8 million current users.

8 The Setting Of Akrasia

Every MMO has some serious lore, and Lost Ark is no exception. The name of the vast land that adventurers are exploring is a reference to an ancient Greek philosophy. “Akrasia” refers to a weakness of will that causes people to act against compulsively their own interests.

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The name might have something to do with the chaos that has descended upon Akrasia in the form of aggressive demons and other intimidating monsters. The Lost Ark is all that can save the land from certain destruction. Thus, players must seek it out it as the ultimate achievement in the game.

7 It Swept The Korea Game Awards In 2019

Gaming is popular enough to have its own version of the Oscars, and presently the closest thing is the Korean Game Awards. Lost Ark had an impressive showing in 2019. A year after its launch, the game virtually swept the award with six wins.

It took all of the awards for technological achievement, character creation options, and sound design. It also received an award recognizing how popular the game was in South Korea, essentially a people’s choice award. This also included a nice chunk of prize money.

6 It Has Been Available in Korea Since 2018…

Games that are successful in their home countries don’t always translate or localize well to other markets. This is why Lost Ark was released in South Korea before there were plans to take it global.

It was well-received for the first year it was available, including the time it was only in Korea. Only after the game had a successful showing at the Korean Game Awards did serious talk of international marketing begin.

5 …& Is Expected To Hit North American Markets In 2021

For gamers that hadn’t yet played Lost Ark or weren’t aware that it existed, the news of a North American release this year is a pleasant surprise. For others, however, four years was too long to wait.

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If gamers want to play Lost Ark now, it’s possible to do so from third-party publishers. However, finding a version in English might be a bit awkward. Bear in mind that anything an anxious player downloads now might not be compatible with the version that the North American distributor ends up selling.

Lost Ark was a hotly contested property, and there was some drama over which North American company would handle the game’s distribution. Though Smilegate is the developer, they don’t actually market or sell the game themselves. That varies from country to country, and the developer is also responsible for tweaks and changes when it comes to translation and localization.

3 It’s Design Is Like Diablo

These screenshots are exactly what they seem, revealing how the better part of gameplay takes place. It’s not like three-dimensional MMOs like WoW or ESO. Instead, the game is on an isometric, 3D platform reminiscent of the Diablo franchise.

It’s not everyone’s preference, with 3D and even VR now available in the comfort of home. However, the style still has a wide fan base and is fairly intuitive for newer players.

2 Includes Features Typical Of Other MMOs

When MMO players aren’t PVPing or taking down big impressive world bosses, it’s all about character customization, professions, and boss fights. Lost Ark integrates a lot of that into the gameplay, primarily in regard to the smooth combat system that lets players show off their gear.

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Professions include the usual mundane but lucrative gathering skills like gathering plants and harvesting lumber, along with more exciting endeavors like Archaeology. There’s talk of new professions and classes as part of the expansions and changes that will bring Lost Ark to international players.

1 It Looks Incredible

Lost Ark tries to combine the best of fantasy animation with more realistic-looking settings. The result improves the immersion factor even more for the average player, and that’s a crucial step for a good video game.

Some settings in the games look more like enhanced photography than animation or CGI. It goes to show how far video game production has come since the early days of MMOs, and how quickly.

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