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There are a few facts fans might not know about the Khajiit. Talking to the residents of Skyrim and finding certain notes will help reveal a little more about them. With this information, players might discover that they have a new favorite species to play as in Skyrim.

10 Only Two Khajiit Followers

With the numerous amount of followers that can be found in Skyrim, it might surprise players that only two are Khajiit. One of the characters is named Kharjo and is a caravan guard. He can be recruited if the Dragonborn returns a Moon Amulet to his caravan camp.

The other follower is named J’zargo and is studying magic at the College of Winterhold. He can become a follower after the Dragonborn helps him with an experiment. Both of these companions can also be recruited for the Blades, giving them more use in the game.

9 “Cat” Is A Racial Slur

The Khajiit are not very liked in Skyrim, a fact that might make some fans saddened. The citizens of Skyrim have racial slurs against the species. It might not seem that bad, but Khajiit are called ‘Cats’ by other races, with the word being used as a derogatory term.

When in combat, Khajiit are also threatened in a unique way. Bandits and soldiers will threaten to make a rug or a carpet out of the Khajiit. The species also have a negative stereotype, with many looking down on them.

8 Rarest Race In Skyrim

As expected, the Khajiit are a rare sight in Skyrim. It should come as no surprise because of the way that they are treated by the locals. Khajiit can be found traveling with caravans, selling goods around Skyrim. A few others have been hired as assassins and thieves.

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The Khajiiti homeland is called Elsweyr, having a strong population of Khajiit. They also have a strong bond with the Argonians, having a high population in the Black Marsh area of Tamriel.

7 Have Night Eye Naturally

Night Eye is a spell that mages can discover through practice. The Khajiit have this effect naturally, being born with it. This allows users to have better vision in the dark. Normally it can only be used for 60 seconds with a cool down, but Khajiit can use it for an unlimited amount of time.

This makes it a little easier to sneak around dungeons and the many enemies that can be found in Skyrim. Just keep in mind – this most likely means other Khajiits have this ability. Players should be cautious when they sneak around these feline.

6 Can Find A Skooma Addicted Khajiit

Khajiit in Skyrim get a bad name when it comes to Skooma, an addictive narcotic. While the species might unfairly be seen as Skooma addicts, there is a Khajiit addict players can meet. His name is J’darr and can be found in Alftand glacier ruins with his dead brother – someone he believes is still alive.

J’darr was brought on an expedition by his brother in an attempt to reduce the effects of Skooma. This did not work, and J’darr will attack the player on sight. Humorously, J’darr will refer to the Dragonborn as a ‘smoothskin’. This is a reference to Ghouls from Bethesda’s other series, Fallout.

5 Prefixes And Suffixes In Names Have Meanings

Khajiit have a unique naming method – using prefixes and suffixes that have certain meanings. Some of these are separated by an apostrophe, while other names do not separate the prefix and suffix. Some of these naming conventions are interesting, as it could be implied that names can change in a Khajiit’s life.

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Some prefixes and suffixes are used for a certain gender, while others are used by both genders. Examples of prefixes and suffixes include Ri (king), Dra (wise female, grandmother), and M/Ma (Child, apprentice). In fact, some may come as a direct result of the harsh life in Skyrim such as Bad Swimmer, Chicken Thief, Stump Fingers, and more.

4 Face Changes In Combat

Players can notice that other races, such as Nords and Elves, have their expressions change when they are in combat. The Khajiit are no different, instead changing more than their faces. Much like a real cat, the Khajiit will have their ears pushed back when they are in combat. A Khajiit’s teeth will also be shown when confronted by an enemy.

This can serve as a warning to any player that decides to interact with a Khajiit they find. Choosing the wrong option might just cause a fight to break out, with the Khajiit pushing their ears back.

3 Guilds Employ Khajiit For Skills

Khajiit are often employed by the Thieves Guild and the Dark Brotherhood throughout Skyrim. While the guilds do not discriminate against the different species, Khajiit are often employed for their many abilities. Who would have guessed Khajiit would make such great cat burglars?

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The “Night Eye” Khajiit are born with comes in handy as does the natural ability to sneak. While players might not meet any Khajiit with a big role in the guilds, players can run into the species during random encounters.

2 Cannot Enter Cities

Khajiit are treated poorly by the Nords and others of Skyrim, being seen as nothing but drug addicts and thieves. It should be no surprise that no Khajiit are allowed into the city walls in each hold. They instead have to camp outside the walls, selling what they can to people going in and out.

Luckily enough, the player does not face these same rules. Perhaps being the Dragonborn does have its advantages, allowing the player to travel freely and talk to the locals. Just don’t be too hopeful, locals will still be negative.

1 Familiar Face Appears

A character that first appeared in Morrowind, M’aiq the Liar makes an appearance in Skyrim. He will spawn once the player finished the Unbounded quest, being found as a random encounter. The player can talk to him three to five times before he tells the player he is tired.

M’aiq breaks the fourth wall constantly, talking about the game’s graphics and skills the player can get. He can also be attacked without the player getting a bounty. Don’t be too surprised though – he is an essential NPC.

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