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Death Stranding is beautifully made with an intense attention to detail. Despite the serious nature of the plot, the game never fails with its fun sense of humor– evident by Easter eggs and hidden game features, Kojima makes it easy to break up the serious moments with a laugh. There are so many of these secrets in the game that those who play through quickly may never realize its full potential.

10 More Customizable Than You Think

It is not uncommon for games to allow players to customize their character’s look. Sam can change from his futuristic gear to looking even more like Norman Reedus than he already does. The player can adjust Sam’s hairstyle, his clothing, give him sunglasses, goggles, and even hats. Players can also customize Sam’s vehicles, along with the colors of the walls inside his room.

9 Sam Can Learn To Play The Harmonica

Like many features in Death Stranding, players can easily progress through the game without ever getting the harmonica. In order to nab this cool item, Sam has to meet a character called “the Musician” located in the Eastern Region. He will give Sam a mission and reward him with it after the task is complete. Once equipped and resting, Sam is able to play BB’s theme, which is a great way to quickly calm the little one when stressed.

8 Conan O’Brien Can Give Sam An Otter Hat

Another fun moment that can easily be missed is Conan O’Brien’s hilarious cameo. Sam can meet The Wandering MC in the Central Region in Episode 3.

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Conan graciously presents Sam with a strange sea otter hat… for some reason. In a move very reminiscent of something straight out of Super Mario Bros, the otter hat allows Sam to effectively navigate deeper water.

Along with a fantastic original score by Ludwig Forsell, Bring Me The Horizon also contributed to Death Stranding’s epic soundtrack. The band’s front-man had this to say about their involvement. “Kojima-san is one of the few people I would call a hero to me, so making a track for his first game since he left Konami was equal parts daunting, stressful and exciting." The soundtrack also includes artists such as Major Lazer and The Neighbourhood.

Some of the Easter eggs require the player to actually know something about the cast (and it’s not the giant AMC’s Ride with Norman Reedus banner on the shower). Blink and you’ll miss it references include hints at Mads Mikkelsen’s past ballet career, Cliff pouring the same type of wine that his character prefers in Hannibal, and Deadman referencing The Shape Of Water.

5 Death Stranding Exists Because Silent Hills Fell Through

Konami approached Hideo Kojima to develop what would have been the ninth game of the Silent Hill series back in 2012. Guillermo del Toro was also slated to be involved in development, and Norman Reedus was cast as the main character.

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Konami released a playable teaser titled “PT”, but the deal eventually fell through due to fallout between Konami and Kojima. Determined to continue to work together, Kojima, del Toro, and Reedus teamed up again to make what would become Death Stranding.

4 Grenades Are Made Out Of Bodily Fluids

Ever wonder why Sam showers and goes to the bathroom so often, or even why there are so many ways for him to do so? Sam can relieve himself in public and in private in his room. Sitting or standing! Most of Sam’s weapons are actually made out of his excrement and other fluids that are collected when he showers. It’s pretty odd, but if it works, it works!

3 Sam Can Sing In Japanese

Throughout Sam’s journeys, he might discover hot springs. The player has the option to have Sam take a bath with BB floating with him. If left sitting there long enough, Sam will begin singing a strange yet catchy song.

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Though it sounds like Sam might have spontaneously made it up, it’s actually a Japanese song titled “Ii Yu Da Na.” It roughly translates to “good hot water.”

2 Hideo Kojima Cameos As A BT

It’s no secret that there are tons of cameos of famous actors, directors, and tv personalities in Death Stranding, so it’s no wonder that Hideo Kojima wanted to get in on the action. While resting in Sam’s room, it is possible to access a secret cutscene of Sam having a nightmare. In this dream, he sees himself being attacked by a BT with the face of Hideo Kojima himself.

1 Sam Will Punch You In The Face For Peeping

Some of the funniest features are only found if the player specifically clicks around and does, well, strange things. Zooming in on Sam’s crotch while he is in his room will cause Sam to become embarrassed and cover himself. If the player continues, he will angrily flip the camera the ol’ middle finger. If players are very persistent with their peeping, Sam abruptly gets up and punches the camera.

NEXT: 5 Annoying Things Every Death Stranding Player Hates (& 5 Things They Love)