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There’s still time to do some things before those changes go into effect and to prepare to enjoy the new content right as it lands. Some things can be done in an afternoon and other things will probably take the whole weekend.

10 Don’t Power Level

Right out of the gate it’s important to note that you do not and should not worry about the power level of your items. Once Shadowkeep is released, everything is getting beefed up to power level 750 automatically at no cost to you.

Don’t waste precious resources infusing your items now. Just be patient, wait until they’re leveled up by the game and then go through and start improving them. In the meantime, start hoarding those materials and get ready to infuse your items to incredible new heights.

9 Get Ready To Be Steamed

This is only important for PC players, but it’s a big one and you don’t want to be surprised on October 1st. As a result of the separation between Bungie and Activision Destiny 2 will migrate over to Steam and no longer be on Blizzard’s

Don’t worry, your progress, characters, items, and everything else will transfer over. But you need to link your account through Bungie’s site. Expect a few hiccups once the transfer occurs, but if you take the time now to link your account you shouldn’t have any major problems.

8 Dismantle Items

Another big change coming in Shadowkeep is that Bright Dust will only be obtainable through bounties. That means all items like weapons, sparrows, armor, etc. will lose the ability to be dismantled into Bright Dust.

If you have any items that drop Bright Dust when dismantled, trash them as quickly as possible. Bright Dust will be a heck of a lot harder to obtain after the switch and you could be sitting on a gold mine of the stuff that’ll disappear on release. Dismantle what you can and start hoarding dust.

7 Ditch The Armor

If you’re unsure whether to dismantle your armor items for Bright Dust, then it should bring some comfort to know that the armor is about to become useless anyway. Armor 2.0 is bringing a lot of changes and one of them is making older items even easier to obtain.

Anything from years one and two will be easier than ever to get back and it’s worth it to you to dismantle the items for the Bright Dust now and work on getting them back later. Keep your main gear so you aren’t naked going into the new content, but get rid of all those unused pieces as they’re about to become even more useless and are worth more now in parts.

6 Complete The Story

One quirk coming with the release is that it’ll reset your progress on campaign missions in the Red War, Curse of Osiris, Warmind, and Forsaken regardless of how far along you are. Take the time this weekend to finish them out to avoid having to start all over again.

Shadowkeep promises to have some interesting developments to the story and you don’t want to be distracted by old story resetting and delaying your progress. Set aside some time to finalize the story missions and get ready for the next chapter.

5 Buy Seasonal Items

Given it’ll be a new season, it goes without saying that last season’s content is about to disappear. Season of Opulence and Black Armory had some interesting gear and cosmetic items that could still be worth it for you to obtain.

If you’re wanting anything, get it now while it’s still on the storefront, because it’s about to become a lot harder to obtain. Though don’t spend everything you have, odds are Shadowkeep is going to have some intriguing items you’ll want to get your hands on.

4 Buffed Weapons

The release of Shadowkeep is going to be shaking up the meta in a big way thanks to all of the nerfs and buffs they’re putting on various weapons. Some interesting weapons getting buffs are things like the auto rifle Breakneck you get from the Drifter, the scout rifle MIDA Mutli-Tool that comes from a quest with Devrim Kay, Le Monarque poison bow from Forge drops, and the auto rifle SUROS Regime that comes from Xur sales or random drops.

Take a look at these and other weapons getting a buff and give some serious thought to getting your hands on a few. Odds are with the buffs comes lower drop rates and they could give you a serious edge depending on the changes coming.

3 Hoard Weapon Mods

Speaking of weapons, it’s also a good idea to start hoarding weapon mods. Another change coming is they won’t be one use only, they’ll be permanent mods that can be slotted and unfit from weapons as many times as you want.

Having the sixteen different mods on hand and getting rid of any duplicates for Bright Dust and other materials is a great use of your time this weekend if you’ve taken care of the above items. Having those mods to fit into new Shadowkeep weapons will be worth the effort to obtain them.

2 Material Farming

While Bright Dust should be your main priority this weekend, it’s also a good idea to start stockpiling other materials. Things like mod components, legendary shards, gunsmith items, and enhancements cores can be very handy when new items start dropping and help you ratchet your power level score very quickly.

Besides, no one really knows what the material requirements for the new items will be like and there’s a lot of stuff you need to be dismantling anyway. Start stockpiling and you’ll be glad you did when the changes kick in.

1 Finish Title Grinds

The last major thing you should think about doing before Shadowkeep releases is to grind out the last few Titles you haven’t obtained. It’s not critical for Shadowkeep, but it’s not something you want to be thinking about when you dive into new content.

Moments of Triumph is already gone and others are bound to follow in the near future. If you have nothing else to do to prepare and feel like your material wealth is good enough as is then try grabbing some of the Titles you haven’t gotten yet so you’re not distracted by old content.

Next: Destiny 2: The Best Weapon Perks For Shadowkeep