Fans want what they want. The only problem is WWE has not identified the desire of those plunking down money for pay-per-views, network buys, and merchandise. And going back to the drawing board only creates more hassles and more money spent. At some point, the wheel must stop spinning.

What happens when the magical machine stops and the ideas are exhausted? Can WWE, which is the standard bearer for the industry regroup and make things exciting again? Can the McMahons, while stealing a popular catchphrase, make wrestling great again?

The odds aren’t in his favor as fans are growing up, having families of their own and their sensibilities are changing. In order to keep the masses entertained, there has to be creativity and most of all, passion in this company.

Here are 10 ways WWE can go through another revolution of sorts and help increase ratings.

1- Calling Paul Heyman

The biggest issue I have with Brock Lesnar being a part-time superstar is the company loses Heyman’s brilliance. The greatest wrestling manager of this generation and potentially of all-time is a draw all to himself. Fans love the trips to Suplex City, but without Heyman in the ring doing promos, part of Lesnar’s luster is lost.

There needs to be a new Heyman Guy. Roman Reigns is that perfect character. Maybe Samoa Joe gets the call. Whatever it takes, get Heyman on screen more often. I would also love to see Heyman and his brood in a storyline against the McMahons. It would certainly drum up interest.

2- Make the Women a Priority

We see this more and more, especially on Raw with Charlotte, Sasha Banks, and Bayley. The women on the roster are the best that have ever set foot in a wrestling ring. The story yet to be told in WWE is the rivalry of Banks and Bayley, who both tore it up in NXT. WWE is doing a better job to promote the division, but more can be done.

What if there was an all women’s pay-per-view? What if Bayley and Sasha headline a pay-per-view? What if there were an all women’s Indy tournament like the Cruiserweight Championship? Fans love to see the women in the ring as much as the men – maybe more so.

3- Buy TNA

I am dead set against this, but there is some merit to it if WWE is willing to take on the challenges. TNA has a roster full of young talent and budding stars to go along with veterans who have spent time in WWE. What is wrong with another invasion angle? How does Ethan Carter III work in WWE? How would Cody Rhodes, Aron Rex and Bobby Lashley handle working for their former employer?

The flip side of all of this is the WCW proposition where the McMahons eliminated the competition. While TNA and ROH cannot compete with WWE in the business world, the wrestling is what draws people in.

4- Fewer PPV Events

With the brand split, there is an overload of WWE network programming. I think the new shows are great for the different brands, but why can’t we see 12 shows that are broken up into segments? The idea of less is more applies here and could really work.

There might also be a chance to eliminate some pay-per-views that don’t do well and create new ones to fit the needs of the specific brand. What if the four major events – Royal Rumble, WrestleMania, SummerSlam and Survivor Series are promoted for both brands?

There will be four events specifically for Raw and Smackdown Live. It makes more sense and would generate more interest.

5- The Six-Sided Ring

While it looks odd and there are some who can’t stand it, a new look in the ring would be pretty exciting. WWE has already made changes to the ring appearance which gives both Smackdown Live and Raw a fresher look.

TNA took something new and held fans’ interest for a while. For those who do not watch Impact, this could be new and exciting. I’m not saying make all matches inside six sides of steel, but change things up a bit to add some more freshness to programming.

6- Continue Cruising Along

The Cruiserweight Championship might be the best thing to come along in some time. Just like TNA puts an emphasis on the X-Division, WWE has a chance to make this a major segment on Raw and Smackdown Live. The champions TJ Perkins spent years in TNA as Manik and brings a solid character to the Raw brand.

I like the idea of Drew Gulak and others making a name for themselves on the big screen after years in the independent circuit. And then there is Brian Kendrick, whose story is solid. Take what has worked and run with it. Also, a cruiserweight PPV show would be dynamite where both brands could march out their own stars.

7- Roman Reigns the Mega Heel

The one thing WWE continues to screw up is Roman Reigns and the direction he takes in the company. While I love the notion of him winning the US Title and defeating Rusev, there are many ways WWE can market him. If they would finally turn him heel, then maybe the boos from the arenas and on camera would be well worth it.

Also, change his appearance, get rid of the Kevlar and maybe put his hair in a ponytail. Also, like I said, where is Paul Heyman or Triple H when you need him? Since it looks like the United States Title is going to get as much publicity as the Universal Heavyweight Title, then do the right thing in booking Reigns properly.

8- Make Bray Wyatt a Champion

Wyatt is one of the best gimmicks in the company today. He is so great on the mic and Undertaker-like in character. First I think the company should make him a babyface and second, he should challenge AJ Styles for the company strap. Fans accepted Undertaker long before he won company gold.

While Undertaker has only held the top belt in the promotion, the same route should be taken with Wyatt, build him up as another anti-hero and see what happens. The great thing about Wyndham Rotunda’s character is should this not work, the blue brand can also send him back to the dark side.

9- CM Punk and AJ Lee

Hello darkness, my old friends. We’ve brought you back to be great again. Your characters were so sizzling. That made this business worth watching. And the way you left us wasn’t fair, no one cares. Please bring back, your excitement. If you sing the first verse of “Sound of Silence” by Disturbed, this makes so much sense.

The loss of characters such as Shawn Michaels, Edge, Punk and Lee has spoiled the promotion. While Edge will never wrestle again and Michaels is now working with NXT, bring back the crazy couple and see what happens. What does WWE have to lose?

10- Same Bat Time, Same Bat Channel

Take away one hour from Raw and make this an even playing field. While Smackdown Live has shown it can beat its red brand brother at the game of programming, at some point, the extra hour on Monday night might come back and bite the blue brand in the behind.

Raw has not had the success of its Tuesday night competitor because a shorter time frame means more matches, better booking, and better storylines. Raw can have the same results with a better roster and then it would remain the top show in the promotion.

Honorablre mention – Everything on WWE Network

Yes, I said it and I mean it. If there was a pay-per-view style for both brands, then fans would have an opportunity to watch at their leisure. It would also mean the diehard fans would schedule the time to watch what happens next. That would also mean the ratings the McMahons aren’t worried about wouldn’t mean anything and yes, fans might flock back because they missed something.

Fans want to attend pay-per-views, get excited about WrestleMania and SummerSlam. Make them work a bit for it. Wrestling isn’t going anywhere. But if fans know if they want the latest dirt to their favorite soap opera, they have to watch the network, it might be more profitable than WWE can imagine.

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