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The game plays like them too as it is an action platformer with Metroidvania elements. Greak has the feel of something like The Legend of Zelda or even The Lord of the Rings but in 2D. Its big gimmick is centered around controlling three characters at once with a catch. What is this catch and what are some helpful tips to make the beginning journey easier?

10 It Takes Awhile To Get The Game Going

Greak: Memories Of Azur opens up with Greak alone for a few minutes before he is reunited with his sister, Adara. This moment is fleeting because Greak will blackout and lose her again. It takes about another two hours to get Adara back and even longer to get the third sibling, Raydel.

Greak takes a while to get going. Since this is marketed as a switchable character game, it might be handy to know these things beforehand. Also, there is no co-op despite there being multiple characters.

9 Talk To Everyone Before Leaving Town

When Greak reawakens from his blackout, he’ll be in the hub town. There are tons of characters and items to check up on, most of which have a quest. Be sure to talk to everyone in town before venturing off.

These quests may not amount to much in terms of tangible rewards, but they will at least give the player something extra to do in Greak: Memories Of Azur.

8 Do Zack’s Quests Right Away

The one questline players should take on without question is Zack’s. He is stationed on the right-hand side of the town, going toward the Zyndra Forest.

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Zack has three missions for Greak and they are all based on killing a set amount of enemies. Completing these quests will unlock three killer sword moves that will make combat much more fluid.

7 Go To Velhora Waterfalls First

After players talk to everyone in town there is a choice. Players can either go left toward the Velhora Waterfalls or right toward the Zyndra Forest. Set one’s sights on the waterfalls. It’s a quick area to go through whereas the forest leads to multiple areas.

It’s a good idea to get the shorter things out of the way first. Plus this leads to the first quest item for the airship workers which is important.

6 An Easy Way To Get Gems

There are a few items in the stores around this first area of Greak: Memories Of Azur that will tempt players. However, it’s hard to come by gems, which are this game’s currency. The quickest way is to make food in the various cooking stations around the world.

Finding seeds to make bread or muffins will sell for more than the ingredients themselves. Best of all these seeds replenish themselves after a short amount of time. It’s a similar strategy to cooking and selling in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.

5 What To Buy First?

There is one item above all else that should be purchased right away. There is a Scout Bag at the hub world general store that will increase Greak’s inventory by one. Item space is very limited in this game so every slot matters.

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Greak makes early Resident Evil games, like Resident Evil 3, look like their inventory space goes on for miles by comparison. The crossbow upgrade at the blacksmith should be the next upgrade by the way.

4 You Can Drop Items In Town

There is a trick to help with the frustrating inventory space. Players can drop items in town that should still be there once they return. There is no extra box to store stuff in town, again unlike the Resident Evil games, but this trick is just as good if not a little clumsy.

Quest items, like the rope for the airship, take up a lot of space, so make sure and drop that off near the dockyard right away.

3 After The First Kill, Avoids Enemies

There are three ways to get gems in Greak: Memories Of Azur. The first was gone over via selling items. Secondly, there are chests around dungeons that have deep gem counts. The last way is through killing monsters.

The thing is some monsters only seem to spawn gems the first time they are killed and very rarely, if at all, after that. Since there isn’t much reward to it, dodge through monsters and ignore them after the first time.

2 Pay Attention To Everyone’s Health

Each character has its own health bar. Nothing is shared. So, for example, if Greak has five and Adara has four, Adara will die faster. If the player is controlling Greak and Adara gets hit four times, that is game over.

The AI isn’t very smart about dodging enemies either. They can fight but that’s about it. That’s why it’s important to note that players must pay attention to all three eventual health bars in order to survive longer.

1 Characters Have Different Shop Options

There is something else worth pointing out about all three characters. The dialogue will be different for each NPC the player interacts with, which is a neat attention to detail. It has been done in other games like RPGs, but it is still appreciated in Greak.

Shops also have separate inventories. Adara, for example, has a way to expand her inventory as well in the town shop just like Greak’s Scout Bag. Keep this in mind and don’t go wasting gems on disposable items. Upgrades are most important.

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