Biomutant was first teased in 2017. Even though it’s been advertised almost every year since these trailers and or news bits were spread out so it may be hard to remember what this game is. It almost seemed like it was going to be canceled for a while there. The easy thing to liken it to would be Ratchet and Clank since this does star a furry critter with cartoon violence. 

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It can also be summed up as that game plus Fallout 4 since it takes place in a wasteland with mutated anthropomorphic animals now ruling the world. That’s the basic gist but one may be curious about a few more things before and after they jump into this open-world adventure. 

10 Character Setup

There are six breeds in the game and five classes to choose from at the start. Each breed brings with it bonus stats and classes give players a specific set of perks as well as starting skills. For example, the Dead-Eye is a good mid-ranged fighter with ammo boosts and the Psi-Freak is basically the wizard class and has a great starting electric ability. There are other upgrade paths in the game so don’t worry about classes and perk exclusives too much. 

9 Understanding The Many Upgrade Systems

Along with perks that use upgrade points obtained from leveling up, there are three other major upgrade paths. There are Mutations that house both Biogenetics Psi abilities.

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Biogenetics upgrade through points found in glowing green chests while the Psi powers can be obtained through shrines in the world. There is also something call Wung-Fu, which are physical abilities that also uses upgrade points in order to obtain them. 

8 Get Blaze ASAP

One of the better Psi abilities to get early on is one called Blaze. Imagine if Sonic the Hedgehog left a trail of fire in his speed’s wake and that’s what this is. It’s both offensive and defensive as it can be used as a dodge. It’s actually better to use it rather than the dodge button although this does eat up a lot of the ability meter which does take time to recharge. 

7 Don’t Streamline The Story

When it comes to open-world RPGs, there are two types of players in the world. Some like to explore every nook and cranny and take their time. Others like to streamline the story first so they can get through it as fast as possible to avoid spoilers. That strategy can’t be taken with this game. Each zone has a level lock to it meaning enemies will be around certain levels and they get high fast. It’s not impossible to streamline, but in order to make the journey easier, take it slow to build up levels. 

6 Save Crafting Materials

Crafting is also not a system to be blazed through. It might be tempting to tweak weapons every time something new comes into the inventory but this will deplete materials fast. It’s better to save materials for late-game crafting instead. It’s also worth noting that players will find plenty of new gear and weapons naturally that will be more powerful anyway. 

5 The Aura System

Like many RPGs, this game has a light and dark system. Certain dialogue choices will net players with points in either category which will presumably affect the story. Going into that now would be a spoiler. What isn’t a spoiler is the fact that certain abilities are locked behind each side. Before deciding which path to follow it might be a good idea to study the ability requirements first. It’s a lot like inFAMOUS come to think of it. 

4 Manual Save Like Your Life Depended On It

One of the biggest issues with the game that is an unarguable detriment to the experience are the bugs. When playing on a PS5, for example, it can have a similar amount of crash time as compared to Cyberpunk 2077 which was around every twenty minutes or so. The game does a pretty good job about auto-saving but if it crashes in the middle of an auto-save, that could corrupt data. That’s why manual saves are a must for backups. 

3 Is There A Way To Advance Time?

The short answer is yes. Unfortunately doing so requires a campsite which is at first hard to find. Make sure to be on the lookout for them on the map, usually with enemies guarding them and often around gas stations or other buildings. Resting at a campfire then brings up a menu of when to sleep until which is useful if one wanted to play during a certain period of the day.

2 There Are Difficulties 

One of the most often asked questions with any game is in regard to difficulties. Not every gamer is a hardcore player but they may still see a game and want to experience it. The Dark Souls series are notorious for locking out the unskilled which has turned into a huge debate online whether that is right or not.

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The good news for this game is that it features an easy, medium, and hard difficulty setting. Not only that but they can switched whenever. 

1 Accessibility Options

Besides the difficulties, there are some other options in the settings menu to be aware of. In terms of accessibility, this game doesn’t have many advances in the field as compared to something like The Last of Us 2. One option that should be turned on though is the QTE Auto Complete. This is the year 2021 and quick-time events are so old hat now. They can be left on but it’s better to turn on this option and forget about these mechanics. 

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