This is especially true if he comes up behind you to kiss your neck.

It’s a great way to encourage him without saying a word.

You might just do this automatically, especially if you’ve never been kissed on the neck before.

Your moan doesn’t have to be super loud or aggressive. Sometimes, a soft moan is enough to get the message across.

If he’s kissing your neck from behind you, spin around and embrace him.

If you two are lying down together, try pulling your body slightly on top of his.

Work your hands through his hair slowly and gently. There’s nothing worse than catching your fingers on a tangle when you’re trying to be sweet and sexy!

Getting a neck kiss is a fun way to spice up a makeout session, too. He might be trying to impress you with a new move.

Neck kisses aren’t always an invitation to go a step further. If you have any doubts or he starts pulling away, ask him if he’s okay with what’s happening.

Just say something like, “That feels so good. Just don’t give me a hickey, okay?”