While there have been a lot of positive things happening in the WWE lately, especially since WWE improved their storytelling and made feuds more personal, but that doesn’t mean the current WWE landscape isn’t without its problems. In fact, there is still a lot to worry about if your a wrestling fan and a lot of that has to do with the bad decisions the company has made lately.

Think about it! For every great decision like putting Drew McIntyre in a main event role, making Shinsuke Nakamura United States Champion and reuniting The Shield, there are also terrible decisions that hurt the overall product. Furthermore, it sets up a very bleak future for the WWE and their fans.

In the end, it’s up to the WWE Universe on how to feel about these ten things, but it should be cautioned that they don’t take them lightly. While these may seem like little things that couldn’t possibly hurt WWE, the superstars, Raw and Smackdown Live, they very well could in the worst way possible.

With that being said, here are then things the WWE Universe needs to be worried about and how they will affect the company going forward. As always, let us know your thoughts in the comments below and also be sure to tell us which of these problems that you are most worried about and why.

#10 Booking Asuka poorly

Asuka was supposed to be treated like a big deal when she came to the main roster and while WWE did that for a while, the company lost faith in her for one reason or another and had her on a losing streak since WrestleMania 34. In fact, she also lost to separate times to Carmella for the Women’s title and one of those was a relatively clean finish.

If nothing else, how Asuka has been booked should be an immediate sign that she isn’t going to be booked much differently in the near future and that anyone in NXT could one day suffer the same fate. Unfortunately for the WWE Universe, this has been happening a lot lately and it seems like no one is safe from WWE’s bad booking.

#9 Bray Wyatt’s future with WWE

What does the future hold for Bray Wyatt in The WWE?

The sky used to be the limit for Bray Wyatt when he debuted alongside his Wyatt Family in 2013 but has done little to make the impact that many originally thought he would have. In fact, besides a sub-par run with the WWE title two years ago and reforming his family multiple times, he hasn’t really done much of note.

With the Woken Warriors group not being seen on television for a while after losing to The B Team, it’s likely that whatever the future holds for Wyatt, it’s not a good one.

#8 Smackdown Live/ Raw Tag team divisions

Whether the WWE Universe wants to admit it or not, The tag team division on both brands has become by far the worst part of WWE’s weekly programming. Not only is that evident by the lack of time and substance they have been giving the division over the last couple of months, but also by just how nonsensical the booking decisions are.

Take WrestleMania 34 for example, where instead of a true tag team match between Bruan Strowman, a partner of Braun’s choosing and The Bar, fans were treated to a five-minute joke fest that involved bringing in an eight-year-old child to be Strowman’s partner. Even worse, they won the titles with Nickolas doing nothing and then relinquished them the next night on Raw.

As if that wasn’t already fluky enough, WWE came up with The B-Team, who ended up becoming tag team champions and even going on an undefeated streak for awhile in the process. With that being said, however, Raw isn’t the place with lackluster tag team storytelling, as Smackdown Live suffers from much of the same problem.

A prime example of this is at The Extreme Rules pay per view, where WWE reunited Team Hell no and later had them jumped before the match could even begin. This led to Daniel Bryan taking on The Bludgeon Brothers solo, which ultimately resulted in a clean loss for Bryan to a barely established tag team.

In the end, the tag team divisions on both brands suffer from a mix of poor booking, non-compelling storylines and a litany of one-note gimmick characters that can’t realistically have a title run built around them.

Maybe things will get better once The Shield and Dolph Ziggler and Drew McIntyre start feuding for the titles things will change, but until then, it just seems like a lot of B team versus Revival versus Drew and Dolph.

As for Smackdown Live, they made the smart move of putting the titles on The New Day, but only after The Bludgeon brothers suffered an injury in a match. In the end, maybe the change would have happened anyway, especially with how vulnerable Rowan and Harper were starting to look as a team, but WWE still needs to make things interesting, which they have failed to do to this point.

Of course, The New Day is better than nothing though!

#7 Charlotte Flair’s Title run on Smackdown Live

Does anyone else feel like Charlotte Flair is being overused?

Not only did she walk out of WrestleMania 34 with The Women’s title around her waist after defeating Asuka, she also quickly regained the title when she returned to WWE a few weeks before Summerslam. If nothing else, this proves that Flair is their go-to person for The Women’s title, but that might not be such a good thing.

In fact, with other superstars like Naomi, Becky Lynch, Asuka, Sonya Deville all deserving of an opportunity with The Women’s title, it seems like WWE is actively taking chances away from these women. Unfortunately for the WWE, this means that they don’t have that strong of a women’s division on Smackdown Live and will quickly run out of quality opponents for Charlotte.

Think about it! WWE tried to have Carmella carry the women’s division for a while so Charlotte could take time off and the title turned into a complete joke in a matter of weeks. Not only that, WWE also used swerves and dirty finishes to hurt every superstar Carmella went up against, which only hurt the division more.

In the end, maybe it was just one bad decision and there is someone else that can carry the division in the same way that Charlotte can, but no one like that has been found as of yet.

#6 Putting the title on Ronda Rousey too early

Was it too early to put The Raw Women’s title on Ronda Rousey?

While putting the title on Ronda Rousey seemed like the logical conclusion from the start, did WWE made the wrong move by giving it to her too early? Furthermore, did WWE hurt crucial parts of her storyline by having her contend for and win the title so early and what will be the effects of doing so?

Unfortunately for Rousey, the answer to the last question is a resounding yes due to the fact that it went against Rousey wanting to earn a title shot and not being handed anything. WWE threw that out the window by having Jax challenge Rousey at a press event in Boston, which ended with Rousey agreeing to a title match at Money in the bank

In the end, it’s not exactly Rousey’s fault that this happened and was probably just a case of WWE getting ahead of its self too early in her run, but it’s not going to look good as time goes on and is going to make it feel like it all happened too soon. In fact, with how dominant Rousey has been with the title lately, it might cause fans to ultimately turn against her due to it.

#5 Return of The Bella Twins

The WWE Universe continues to have mixed reactions to The Bella Twin’s return to WWE, but what is the overall goal here? Although it seems like WWE would bring back The Bella twins to serve in the same way that Mickie James, Alicia Fox and Natayla have, instead, WWE continues to put them over!

WWE even had them defeat The Riott squad in their return match on Monday Night Raw and then gave Nikki Bella a win over Ruby Riott a week later. Not only is that insanely bizarre from the perspective of WWE choosing to put over the established talent on the card, but also about what it means to others who come into the Bella twins path along the way.

Maybe WWE is just trying to build up The Bella twins as a threat and are using The Riott squad to help get that message across to the audience, but it’s coming at the expense of three talented women that deserved a push a long time ago. In the end, however, it looks like WWE isn’t willing to do that and will again choose to rely on already established talent.

#4 WWE holding Daniel Bryan back

Daniel Bryan made his big in-ring comeback at WrestleMania 34 in a tag team match against Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn, but hasn’t really accomplished much since then. Sure, Bryan won two pay per view matches against Big Cass and even came close to becoming the new number one contender for The WWE title, but his triumphs really stop there.

In fact, besides a win against Andrade Ciem Almas and a few wins here and there, Bryan has been essentially held back by The WWE. Not only is that evident by his screw job loss to The Miz at Summerslam, but also by just how long WWE has kept him out of the title picture over the course of his latest run with the company.

In the end, maybe WWE are just building to something and will eventually give Daniel Bryan The WWE title match he deserves, but until then, it’s going to be frustrating to see him be booked this way.

#3 The Rock’s return

Let’s be honest here.

As great as The Rock’s rumored return in The WWE sounds, it comes at a cost and make no mistake that the cost is a big one. In fact, if WWE goes with The Rock versus Roman Reigns for The Universal title at WrestleMania 35, it could end up being received the same way that Cena versus Rock part two was.

Of course, the circumstances will be different and the problem will this time be that The Rock’s spot belongs to someone else, but that doesn’t mean it will be any less god smacking for the WWE. It could even lead to a boycott or general loathing of the pay per view in the same way that WrestleMania 30 and 32 originally were.

In the end, Rock versus Reigns does sound like a money match, but it’s at the expense of everyone else on the roster. While that might have been a good idea if WWE took the title off of Reigns and turned him heel in the process, it’s not going to work when you consider that Reigns has been in this position too many times for it to mean anything.

#2 John Cena’s absence from WWE

Why does it feel like this is a glimpse into the future?

Maybe it is an intentional move by WWE to keep the focus on Roman Reigns and getting him over with The WWE Universe, but not having John Cena appear on TV much this year is still really weird to see. Furthermore, it could also be a glimpse into the future of a John Cena less WWE, which could be troublesome for the company if Reigns doesn’t work out.

With that being said, it’s not like Cena needs to be there every single week, but he should have been there for Summerslam, and at least one of the B pay per views that took place this year. Of course, he did compete at Greatest Royal Rumble against Triple H and will likely be involved in a match at Superstar showdown, but what will fans see beyond that.

If nothing else, WWE needs Cena for one of the B pay per views of the year and not using him for those dates is ridiculous. It is also becoming obvious that Cena is either becoming less interested in WWE or is so hurt by his breakup with Nikki Bella this year that he is unable to bring himself back to the ring right now.

Either one is bad for WWE.

#1 Braun Strowman’s heel turn

If nothing else, Braun Strowman’s heel turn sent a huge message to The WWE and that message was that no one would be safe when it comes to making Roman Reigns look good. Unfortunately for Bruan Strowman, who was on one of the best babyface runs of the last decade, WWE chose to turn him heel to make Roman Reigns look like the good guy.

Not only was that disastrous from the standpoint that it destroyed all the momentum he had gained as a babyface but it also pretty much guaranteed that he would just become another victim in Roman Reigns’ superman push as Universal champion. It also sets the stage for WWE to continue with this disturbing talent of ruining any talent that isn’t Roman Reigns.

In the end, maybe WWE will get better with all of this as time goes on and stop using Shield nostalgia to help Roman Reigns get over, but until that day actually comes, the WWE Universe needs to get used to the idea of their favorite superstar becoming just another victim on Reign’s list.

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