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Here, we will take a look at ten things I want to get out of this year’s SummerSlam event.

#10 Shinsuke Nakamura retains the United States title

Shinsuke Nakamura is one of my favorite wrestlers in the WWE by far. I love his in-ring style and his weird charisma. Even his creepy faces and dances he does on the way to the ring makes his character all the more appealing. While I rather would have seen the King of Strong Style (or the Artist as WWE refers to him as) with the main SmackDown gold, I am happy that they at least gave him something to work with.

He’s been his usual eccentric and entertaining self lately, and has engaged in some hilarious banter with R-Truth, but it does appear that he’s been ignored a little bit amidst this recent feud between Jeff Hardy and Randy Orton.

Over the last few weeks Randy has been on a mission to make Jeff’s life a living hell. He’s attacked him before and after matches, taking every possible opportunity to hurt the Charismatic Enigma in a multitude of painful ways and I don’t see that changing come this Sunday.

For that reason, it seems a foregone conclusion that Shinsuke Nakamura will be walking out of the Barclays Center with the US strap around his waist. Knowing WWE Creatives, however, nothing is ever a foregone conclusion.

#9 Finn Balor finally ends his feud with Constable Corbin

If you ever look up for a real life depiction of the expression ‘ugh’, you would find a picture of Baron Corbin and his shiny bald head right next to it. The only thing more annoying than the Constable has been his feud with Finn Balor.

Feuds solely based on the premise of “he is small and I m big, so I am better” has never gotten over with me. Seriously, we just had to sit through the exact same feud on SmackDown with Daniel Bryan and Big Cass or Cazz - if I may.

Finn Balor is simultaneously one of WWE’s most popular wrestlers and one of their best workers. It’s been nearly a year since he tore the house down in a last-minute match against AJ Styles, yet he’s done little to nothing since.

He deserves so much better than being stuck with such a lame storyline, and hopefully SummerSlam will mark the end of this and the beginning of his journey to some hardware. I for one would enjoy a feud between Balor and Dolph Ziggler for the Intercontinental Championship.

#8 The Bludgeon Brothers retain the SmackDown Tag Team Championships

I remember a few years ago, after Harper and Rowan split from the Wyatt Family, thinking how ludicrous it was that they never won the tag titles. They put on classic after classic with the Usos, not to mention the incredible 3v3 match The Wyatts had with The Shield back in 2014. I finally got my wish at WrestleMania 34 after they beat the Usos and, I’ll be honest, I expected more.

After winning the titles, they were almost immediately taken off of TV for what felt like months, and when they came back, they were pinned against lower-tier tag teams or just straight up jobbers.

Dominance isn’t just shown by how fast you can squash some 170 pound wrestlers, it’s shown by flattening some of the best tag teams in the business. Sure, they had some good showings against the New Day and the Usos in the past, but that’s all they’ve got.

The tag division has gotten a little better now with the addition of Sheamus and Cesaro, and I’d like to see them start a feud with them so they can cement themselves as the top tag teams in the company. Plus, let’s be honest: A champion vs. champion match between the Bludgeon Brothers and the B Team at Survivor Series would be very entertaining.

#7 Becky Lynch wins the Smackdown Women’s Championship

Charlotte Flair is undoubtedly one of the best female workers in the WWE, and an argument could be made that she’s one of the best in the world right now. I didn’t pitch a fit when she snapped Asuka’s streak at WrestleMania because who better to do it, right? Yeah, you could say she didn’t need it, but at least it went to someone credible. That being said, this is certainly not her time to shine. Instead, the spotlight should shine on the girl on fire.

There is no questioning how talented and beloved Becky Lynch is. She gets great reactions from the crowd week after week, despite the fact that she has been a bit in the dumps lately. Now that she has a shot to regain the women’s title she won in 2016, in comes her best friend to potentially ruin that for her, and you can definitely see the confliction on her face.

So not only will I say Becky is going to win the title this Sunday, I also think she’s going to win in a fashion that will kickstart a heel turn in the future. A cheeky roll-up from behind, perhaps?

#6 The Miz vs. Daniel Bryan has to be the match of the night

A match which has been in the making for eight years, ladies and gentlemen. Not only that, but a match that we, just a few short months ago, thought we’d never see happen. Since Daniel Bryan made his miraculous comeback to the squared circle, fans all over the globe began to think up dream matches for the GOAT: Daniel Bryan vs. Shinsuke Nakamura. Daniel Bryan vs. Finn Balor, Daniel Bryan vs. AJ Styles, Daniel Bryan vs. Samoa Joe, Daniel Bryans vs. Seth Rollins, and so on and so forth.

But one match we knew we were getting for sure was Daniel vs. The Miz. I mean, after this spectacular segment on Talking Smack in 2016, it had to happen right?

Not only is this where a years-long feud kicked into overdrive, but this is also where The Miz cemented his status as one of the best promo guys in the history of the company. The lines of kayfabe were blurred perfectly here and it only served to help both men, especially the Miz.

After this promo, Miz would continue to mock Daniel Bryan week after week for nearly two years by stealing his move set, copying his Yes! chant and being an overall hassle for Bryan to deal with. Now, after years of frustration, aggression and unbridled animosity, it all comes to ahead this Sunday. Honestly, I don’t even care who wins here. All I want from them is to steal the show like I know they can.

#5 Dean Ambrose must turn heel

Last Monday on Raw, we were given the long-awaited return of the Lunatic Fringe. Sporting a new haircut and a pair of pythons that’d make Hulk Hogan jealous, Dean Ambrose helped his Shield brother Seth Rollins in dealing with Dolph Ziggler and Drew McIntyre, leading to Ambrose laying out Drew McIntyre with Dirty Deeds. It would be later announced that he would be joining the Architect in his corner for the big Intercontinental Championship match on Sunday, which is great news for Seth! Or is it?

After Ambrose lost the Intercontinental Championship to Miz back in 2017, he was a bit lost for a while. He gained some traction as a part of a tag team with Rollins, which led to the reunion of The Shield, before his momentum was derailed by injury. Now looking to get back on track, I think a change of scenery would befit him.

It’s been years since we’ve seen a heel Dean Ambrose, and even then I didn’t think we got the most of what he was capable of as a bad guy. A feud with his former Shield brother seems the perfect shot in the arm, and if their last feud was anything to go by, it should be quite entertaining.

#4 Kevin Owens wins the Money in the Bank briefcase

For months, Braun Strowman has been terrorizing and brutalizing Kevin Owens on Raw, doing everything from flipping over stages with Kevin still on top, knocking over Porta Potties with the man still inside, to actual attempted murder.

As much as I’ve enjoyed such a vulgar display of power from the Monster in the Bank, I can’t help but think that this has done nothing but lift him up while pushing Kevin down. Not too long ago, Kevin Owens was doing well alongside his BFF Sami Zayn, and I was expecting them to soon challenge for the Raw Tag Team Titles at least.

Then they got split up for whatever reason, Sami Zayn was put in an abysmal angle with Bobby Lashley and then got hurt, and now you’ve got Kevin Owens being thrown from height like it’s 1998. There must be some redemption coming for KO, and it should come this Sunday when he escapes Brooklyn with Braun’s briefcase.

I don’t just mean he wins, I mean he should literally roll up Braun for the three count and then run like he stole something. We all know what Braun Strowman is capable of when he gets angry, and we don’t want to see our second favorite French-Canadian end up a grease stain on the Barclays Center floor.

#3 Samoa Joe wins the WWE Championship

When I think about who can be mentioned as some of WWE’s best talkers today, two people come to my mind. One of them was already mentioned earlier, and the second will be challenging for the WWE Championship this Sunday. Samoa Joe has been a bit hampered by injury here and there since debuting in January of 2017, one of which caused him to miss this year’s WrestleMania, but he’s been money every time he shows up on TV.

He’s intimidating both physically and over the microphone and is still a hell of a worker even at the age of 39. He’s shown he can be a main event talent and honestly should have been the one to slay the Beast for the Universal Championship, but that was not to be. No matter, because I believe that his time is finally coming at SummerSlam.

After watching last night’s final segment before their match together, I’m convinced that AJ and Joe will have no problem putting on a match of the night candidate. Both have a long history together in the ring and share great chemistry as a result, not to mention that the passion between both men is also there to ramp up the feud.

Joe going after Styles’ family set a fire under the Phenomenal One and he’s going to come out swinging from the second the bell rings. However it won’t be enough to survive the Samoan Submission Machine, as he will capitalize on AJ’s emotional recklessness and put the champ to sleep. AJ’s time as champion has been long and bountiful, but a new champion is destined to be crowned sooner than later. Who better than Joe?

#2 Alexa Bliss retains the RAW Women’s Championship

Without a doubt, Ronda Rousey is the Ken Shamrock of the women’s division. Just like Ken, she had a very successful MMA career before coming over to the wrestling business. Just like Ken, she is built up as the most dangerous woman on the planet. Unlike Ken, however, Ronda Rousey has managed to obtain a larger-than-life status both inside and outside the squared circle.

She’s a notable figure in modern sports, up there with the likes of LeBron James, Cristiano Ronaldo and Serena Williams. She’s helped bring WWE into the mainstream just by being there, so it would make sense that you’d put the women’s title on her right? Well….

Here’s the thing: As popular as Ronda is, and as good as she is in the ring despite not even having a year’s worth of wrestling experience, she is still just a rookie at the end of the day. It is ill-advised to put such an important title on someone who barely knows what they’re doing in the ring.

I know it’d be a major talking point in the media, and the press they would get would be great for business, but it would be nothing short of a spit in the face to the rest of the locker room if you give someone like her an opportunity to be RAW Women’s Champion before women like Ember Moon or Alicia Fox. WWE goes on and on about the “Women’s Evolution”, so they need to show they mean it by rewarding their women for tenure and hard work, not for popularity. Ronda’s good, but she’s not that good. Not yet, at least.

Plus, she’s scared of bats. That’s not championship material, if you ask me?

#1 Kevin Owens cashes in to win the Universal Championship

Looking at promo packages and RAW segments related to this match, I can’t help but think of that quote from the Joker in The Dark Knight: “I think we are destined to do this forever”. It’s not verbatim, but that’s the gist of it anyway. Hardcore fans and casuals alike are less than enthusiastic about this match, despite WWE’s constant efforts to convince us that this is the biggest match of the year.

Instead, we’re all left yawning in our seats, wishing for August 19th to come and go so we can be free of this monotony. What this match needs is something new, something exciting and unexpected. Something that will leave the fans in shock and awe. That something, in my opinion, should be a mid-match cash-in.

Remember the first time this happened?

It’s considered one of WrestleMania’s most iconic moments, and it also happened during a match between Brock Lesnar and Roman Reigns. Provided that my previous prediction comes true, the fans in attendance would surely break into a frenzy if Kevin Owens’ music hit and he stormed to the ring to effectively steal the Universal Title away from both Brock and Roman. In one night, KO’s momentum does a complete 180 and he is suddenly back on top of the WWE where he belongs. Now that would be best for business.

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