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So, it’s important for the past and present stars of the blue brand to unite and deliver nothing short of a spectacle which the audience can cherish for a long time.

Here are 11 booking scenarios that would make SmackDown 1000 must see, just like it’s counterpart Raw’s 1000th episode.

#10 Lay-Cool Reunion

Michelle McCool and Layla were an obnoxiously successful heel duo who were an integral part of team blue in the twilight of the Ruthless Aggression era and the dawn of the PG era.

They were uniquely co-champions at a time, a feat which Sami Owens and Kevin Owens failed to replicate earlier this year.

For the sake of nostalgia, if nothing else, these two could reunite and form a tag team to compete in the supposed tournament or anything close to one for the expected Women’s Tag Team Championships.

Both these women, especially Michelle, were very accomplished singles wrestlers in their own right and they played their part in making SmackDown what it is today.

However, with both of them away from the ring for a considerable amount of time and having grown older, one never knows how feasible this would be.

One good alternative would be for Michelle to return alone only to be interrupted and attacked by Absolution after which Layla comes out to even the odds. Paige can then announce a Tag Team Championship qualifier match between the two teams.

#9 Brothers of Destruction Beat Up Sanity

The WWE has done very little with Sanity since their call-up to the main roster, so it isn’t prudent to sacrifice them to two legends who have accomplished everything they needed to in this business.

However, from an optimistic perspective, being involved in a segment with The Undertaker and Kane would give Sanity a lot of attention. Also, keeping the brawl a bit competitive instead of a simple chokeslam and tombstone squash would be great.

An almost three-minute brawl with the veterans coming out on top at the end should both showcase Sanity as competitors with some credibility and be an awesome moment. The Undertaker and Kane can then cut a brief promo about how they’ll make DX rest in peace at Crown Jewel.

#8 Rusev defeats Aiden English

With the very anticlimactic ending to One Night in Milwaukee on this week’s SmackDown, it would be apt for this storyline to come to its logical conclusion at SmackDown 1000.

Rusev and Aiden English should go at it one on one and preferably after a ten-minute contest, the super athlete should make English tap out to the Accolade and then stand triumphant alongside Lana.

A good ending on a great occasion. If this storyline is to be continued, English can indulge in sneak attacks in the weeks that follow.

#7 Sheamus turns on Cesaro

Sheamus and Cesaro are two incredibly talented wrestlers who currently have no direction whatsoever.

Cesaro is a complete technician capable of magical feats in the ring while Sheamus is an underrated future Hall of Famer who is one of the toughest wrestlers to ever lace up a pair of boots.

Both of them have amazing chemistry together and they are as good as partners as they are as enemies. The Bar can come out to compete against The Usos and the Good Brothers in a triple threat Tag Team Championship number one contenders match with champions, The New Day on commentary.

They come up short and then in the post-match consolation, Sheamus brogue kicks Cesaro. Cesaro can then turn face in the process which gives him much more opportunity to showcase his wide variety of moves. The two can also rekindle their amazing feud.

#6 Some good comedy courtesy of Truth-Money and former general managers Teddy Long and Vickie Guerrero

R-Truth and Carmella are a thoroughly entertaining duo. It’s incredible how R-Truth, despite being 46 years old, has the same charm and ability to raise crowd reactions as he did in his prime.

The show can feature an interesting segment of Truth TV, with two very special guests. The first being Vickie Guerrero who comes out, playing the irritating heel we love her for playing and trades comical barbs with Carmella playing to their Royal Rumble encounter.

This would then prompt Truth to invite perhaps the greatest general manager in the history of general managers, Teddy Long. He would then come down to the ring and have an interesting and hilarious chat with everybody in the ring.

This segment could end with Vickie getting tired of screaming excuse me and leaving and Teddy, Truth, and Carmella dancing in joy.

#5 Evolution Reunites, However…

The four once in a lifetime Superstars, Ric Flair, Triple H, Batista, and Randy Orton are all set to reunite on SmackDown 1000.

This will definitely be a defining moment of the show and must be booked appropriately. Evolution members can come out one by one with the returning Batista coming out last, hopefully to a huge pop this time.

They then embrace and talk for some time but, get amicably interrupted by the New Day members who are out to enjoy themselves and give pancakes to the Evolution members and tell them what big fans they are of their stable.

This is taken sportingly for a while, but soon the three younger men of Evolution start attacking the New Day. Batista is the last to join the assault and only hits one Batista bomb to Woods at the end.

However, Orton and Triple H go into full-on heel mode and obliterate the New Day with RKO’s and Pedigrees. The four then stand triumphant but, Batista is skeptical in joining Triple H in their celebratory arm raise. He smirks at The Game and leaves the ring hinting a future rivalry.

It wouldn’t be to ascertain this rivalry on the show as Triple H has the Brothers of Destruction to deal with right now, and everything must not happen on the same night. A subtle hint by The Animal should be apt.

#4 AJ Styles and Daniel Bryan Team Up

As both AJ Styles and Daniel Bryan happen to be babyfaces who are supposed to compete against each other for the WWE Championship, they would most probably team up once before their contest.

This would be a great way to further their feud based on mutual respect. Their opponents can be the astoundingly talented Andrade Cien Almas paired with someone like Samoa Joe or more preferably Shelton Benjamin.

This could be a good tag match with solid in-ring action with Styles and Bryan coming out on top.

#3 A Much Needed Double Turn

We have recently witnessed a double turn in the Bobby Lashley vs Kevin Owens match on Raw, so it is unlikely that this will happen. However, it most definitely should and is what’s best for business.

Charlotte is a very capable in-ring performer, but, her character arc is much more believable and better in general as a heel than as a face. Lynch, on the other hand, is almost impossible to boo, she is a natural and loved babyface, although her heel work has also been equally, if not more, impressive.

SmackDown 1000 is the perfect occasion for this to happen. This can take place in a contract signing segment. Becky can be cocky for a while and confidently proclaim how she will still be champion after Evolution. She, however, also talks about how much the title means to her and how hard she has worked to earn it back.

Charlotte, on the other hand, talks about her fantastic record with championships in the past. She also whines about how she came millimeters close to winning the title the previous week and at WWE Super Show-Down. Her tone is not of regret but rather complaint, frustration, and arrogance. She then looks Becky in the face and promises her that she will take her title back at Evolution.

She then hits Lynch with the microphone and continues to brutally assault her. Lynch tries to fight back but, Charlotte doesn’t succumb. She powerbombs her through the announcers’ table and a smirk comes on her face with the women’s title in her hand.

Lynch is left hurt and commentators start to express their doubts over whether she will be a hundred percent for evolution after that. They become sympathetic towards Lynch and critical of Flair. This would be the ideal way to go with this rivalry for their marquee conclusive match at Evolution.

#2 A Rated R Return

The Miz comes out and says Miz TV is the main event of SmackDown 1000 and is hopefully met with thunderous boos. He brags and boasts and talks about how he is the reason people watch SmackDown Live and in the process gets booed even more. To make matters worse, he says that he himself is the guest and starts to praise himself even more.

Then, to thunderous cheers comes the greatest Superstar in SmackDown history, the eleven-time WWE Champion and the WWE Hall of Famer, the Rated R Superstar, Edge! He says people are bored of Miz TV and converts it into the much better-received Cutting Edge. He and Miz then trade insults and Edge clearly gets the better of The Miz. This infuriates Miz and he threatens to not care about Edge’s broken neck and attack him.

Edge, however, has a backup plan and says he managed to get a guest for his show, unlike The Miz. This guest turns out to be…

#1 The Most Electrifying Ending

Edge’s guest turns out to be none other than the People’s Champion, the Brahma Bull, the Great One and the Hollywood Megastar, The Rock. He comes out to the ring as the arena metaphorically explodes and The Miz is now even more irate and vivid.

After an initial few minutes of The Rock’s trash talking, The Miz has finally had enough and decides to attack The Great One. A brawl follows and the Rock gets the better of The Miz and hits him with a People’s Elbow followed by a Rock Bottom. He then thanks Edge and the WWE Universe and announces that he will be there to compete at WrestleMania 35. The show closes with his theme playing and him posing with his arm raised.

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