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That said, like any video game, it has some logic problems. None of the things outlined in this article are detrimental to the story. They will, however, may make players raise an eyebrow or cock one’s head to the side. Just know going in this is all for fun and that many of these things can be applied to other acclaimed titles as well. Video games can be weird.

10 Pallets Abound

It sure is convenient to have pallets around just when Joel needs them to carry Ellie over the water. The same goes for any object like ladders, or trash cans. This applies to other PlayStation games as well in terms of well-placed items.

Look. There is a crisis at hand, and the sooner those two get to the Fireflies, the better. However, there had to be time to teach Ellie how to swim.

9 Convenient Cover

Cover is also a subject of convenience. Finding something to duck behind isn’t that jarring in most cases. For example, in the multiple Pittsburgh shootouts, there are plenty of shelves and countertops to hide behind from stores.

It gets less believable like in this first encounter where a bunch of random objects are seemingly placed together like the world knows this where cover needs to be.

8 Can’t Take Guns

This is the apocalypse; every bullet counts, and every gun counts. It’s not like factories are still producing these things.

Why then can’t Joel carry more bullets in his backpack? Storing multiple guns is one thing, but bullets is another. Even bigger bullets, like shotgun shells, are relatively small.

7 Knives Vs. Shivs

Shivs are makeshift knives made out of tape and broken scissors, so them breaking while like taking down a Clicker isn’t that shocking. However, Ellie has an unbreakable knife that brings up some questions.

One, does Ellie have a magic weapon? Two, if that isn’t the case and she just has a knife, Joel should get a knife too. Are they that hard to find? A machete like Bill’s would also be nice except for the fact Joel can get these blades, but they also break easily.

6 Who Is Writing These?

Finding notes, be it on a scrap of paper, or scrawled on a wall, can be pretty jarring. Someone took the time to leave a note behind and or to graffiti messages?

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Aren’t there better things to do than to waste paint on a wall? Finding notes help give games like this context for their worlds, but it also doesn’t make sense.

5 Fast-Forward Through Answers

At the University of Eastern Colorado, Joel finds a dead Firefly and a tape recorder. Instead of doing the logical thing and listening to the whole thing, he skims through it.

Ellie needs to reach the Fireflies as soon as possible, but Joel doesn’t listen to the whole thing. He has time to read diary entries and find comics for Ellie, but he doesn’t have time to listen to a tape?

4 Spider-Joel

Throughout the course of the game, Joel takes a lot of pills to improve his stats. This can lead to steadying the hand while aiming, improving health, or making it easier for Joel to listen further.

He’s like the horror version of Spider-Man. Even at the beginning of the game, his senses are acute. This is a video game mechanic, so one can’t critique it too hard, but still, the logistics don’t make a ton of sense.

3 The Right Scrap For The Right Gun

How can some metal conveniently help with gun upgrades, while others can’t? Just what kind of materials makes it possible to upgrade holsters on Joel’s backpack for example?

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That seems more like a leather, or cloth problem. Also, the tools one needs to upgrade deeper customization options are baffling.

2 The Journey

The very idea of the game is questionable. Marlene is hurt, yes, but she trusts two outside people with saving Ellie instead? At the very least, it would have made more sense to literally arm them to the teeth.

They can’t get very far defending themselves with just pistols. Marlene has a gun stash, so a few guns and a couple cases of bullets would have been grand.

1 Shooting The Doctor

In the scene wherein Joel holds up Ellie’s surgery, the only way through is by shooting the doctor.

It doesn’t matter if he gets the head, or leg, the doctor will instantly crumble to the floor like a sand castle meeting high tide. That’s really not how injuries work.

NEXT: 5 Things We Miss From Early Resident Evil Games (& 5 We Don’t)