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Directer Colin Trevorrow attempted to cram as much as he possibly could into Jurassic World: Dominion, but this over-saturation of information and ridiculous action scenes rendered many of the film’s most promising elements somewhat incomprehensible. Though the foundation of the story was relatively solid, some crucial negated its storytelling efficiency.

10 Ellie Sattler Knowing About Charlotte’s Clone

Very few people in the Jurassic World universe were supposed to know about Charlotte’s clone daughter, Maisie Lockwood, but while trying to escape the Biosyn facility, Ellie reveals to Maisie that she was fully aware.

The only purpose this nugget of information served was to allow Maisie to understand how her mother felt about her. She saw her as a daughter, not a clone, but she never got the chance to show it. Though it is a touching moment, it makes little sense that such a highly guarded secret was known by Ellie merely because she briefly knew Charlotte.

9 Ian Malcolm Lecturing In Biosyn

Upon being escorted to the Biosyn Research Facility, Alan Grant and Ellie Sattler are allowed to catch up with their old friend Dr. Ian Malcolm. Ian explains that his current line of work sees him lecturing at the facility and, though this is fitting for his character, it makes little sense for him to choose such an isolated location.

The main purpose of Ian’s presence in the Biosyn Research Facility boils down to fan service. The return of Alan and Ellie called for Ian to reprise his role once more, even if it did not suit the story. His lecturing abilities are confined behind one of the most highly guarded facilities on the planet, so the idea that students are allowed to freely come and go is baffling.

8 Surviving Kayla’s Plane Crash

Kayla has a change of heart after encountering Claire for a second time and decides to assist in her rescue mission. Upon reaching the Biosyn Research Facility, Kayla’s plane is attacked by a flying Quetzalcoatlus, causing it to swiftly descend to the earth.

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Though the film successfully delivers an emotional moment between Owen and Claire, the impact it had is quickly diminished after the crash. Owen tells Claire that she needs to survive to save Maisie. He forces her to eject from the plane to ensure she lives, but all suspense is negated when Owen and Kayla escape the crash without even a scratch. Their lack of injury was nonsensical.

7 The Therizinosaurus Didn’t Eat Meat

The inaccurate representation of the therizinosaurus could be excused for being another instance where “Life finds a way,” but its depiction is slightly too jarring to ignore. Presented as the apex predator of the forestry surrounding the Biosyn Research Facility, the therizinosaurus feasts on all living creatures it can get its claws on.

What was once believed to be a carnivorous creature, the therizinosaurus has since been discovered to be a herbivore. Its sword-like talons were supposedly never used for dicing their prey unless, of course, they preyed on greenery and shrubs. It makes little sense for this herbivore to be engaging in a territorial battle with a dinosaur that requires a completely different food source during the film’s climax.

6 The Ladder Conundrum

While attempting to escape a Tyrannosaurus Rex, all the main characters are forced to get to higher ground. Thankfully, this dinosaur quickly gives up on his dinner after one failed attempt.

While climbing the only ladder available, Maisie is nearly devoured by this terrifying beast. The dinosaur luckily ends up taking a piece of the stairs in its gargantuan jaws instead of the young woman, but what was stopping it from devouring anyone else? The time it would have taken each character to climb this ladder was more than enough for at least half of them to be killed, but somehow they all survived.

5 Alan And Ellie’s Kiss

The original Jurassic Park saw Alan and Ellie in a romantic relationship, but since those events, their romantic inclinations toward each other have vanished. Their primary dispute revolved around Alan and his wish for a child-free future.

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Jurassic World: Dominion saw Ellie reveal to Alan that she has since had five children who have grown up and gone to college. There is very little chemistry during their time together in Dominion, so their kiss seems not only unnecessary but underserved in terms of storytelling. The kiss dismantles the already firmly set positions they once held in their relationship.

4 Species Integration

Since this film is set four years after the events of Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, dinosaurs have had very little time to integrate into the new world they have been forced into.

Perhaps the best example is seen during the opening segment where Owen chases down a dinosaur on his horse. Horses are known to be one of the most easily spooked animals in the kingdom, so watching this anxious creature confidently chase down a prehistoric beast it is not familiar with makes little sense.

3 Lewis Dodgson’s Love Of Biscuits

Dr. Lewis Dodgson, the primary antagonist of Jurassic World: Dominion, is the perfect example of what could have been an incredibly charming character but unfortunately was not.

Lewis greets Alan and Ellie upon their arrival at the Biosyn Research Facility. They exchange casual small talk before Lewis asks Ramsey Cole for something to eat. Ramsey stares at Lewis blankly before Lewis insists that he will find something himself. The reasoning for this scene’s inclusion is unclear as it adds very little to the character. By the end of the film, all the viewer will know about Lewis is that he has an obsession with both power and miniature treat. It adds nothing to his character, rendering this detail more confusing than enjoyable.

2 Owen’s Dinosaur Calming Techniques

Dinosaurs are said to have roamed the Earth for approximately 165 million years. During their time on this planet, they were considered to be the primary apex predators, being vastly more powerful and intelligent than all other creatures present in the world. Their time on Earth outmatches humanity’s, so Owen using a determined hand gesture to soothe these unpredictable beasts is laughable.

Owen can outmatch the power behind 165 million years of evolution with a single outstretched hand. The climax of the film sees Maisie, Alan, and Owen all utilizing this essentially magical power on Beta before taking her home. This ability is the most far-fetched method of dinosaur taming seen in the series, and it doesn’t help that the soundtrack is done by John Williams, the same man who wrote the score for the Star Wars movies.

1 Biosyn’s Famine

The primary goal of Biosyn in Jurassic World: Dominion is to wipe out humanity’s food supply, so they can become the only source of sustenance. Biosyn is genetically engineering a unique type of locusts that feed primarily on resources created by anyone who isn’t them.

Biosyn is arguably the most powerful company on the planet, so they could easily take control of the world if they wished to. If dinosaurs can now be trained to attack via laser pointer, perhaps a more forceful approach to world domination would be more successful. With an army of aggressive dinosaurs at its disposal, opting to use swarms of locusts to conquer Earth seems illogical.

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